Title: | Instrumental Variables: Extrapolation by Marginal Treatment Effects |
Description: | The marginal treatment effect was introduced by Heckman and Vytlacil (2005) <doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2005.00594.x> to provide a choice-theoretic interpretation to instrumental variables models that maintain the monotonicity condition of Imbens and Angrist (1994) <doi:10.2307/2951620>. This interpretation can be used to extrapolate from the compliers to estimate treatment effects for other subpopulations. This package provides a flexible set of methods for conducting this extrapolation. It allows for parametric or nonparametric sieve estimation, and allows the user to maintain shape restrictions such as monotonicity. The package operates in the general framework developed by Mogstad, Santos and Torgovitsky (2018) <doi:10.3982/ECTA15463>, and accommodates either point identification or partial identification (bounds). In the partially identified case, bounds are computed using either linear programming or quadratically constrained quadratic programming. Support for four solvers is provided. Gurobi and the Gurobi R API can be obtained from <http://www.gurobi.com/index>. CPLEX can be obtained from <https://www.ibm.com/analytics/cplex-optimizer>. CPLEX R APIs 'Rcplex' and 'cplexAPI' are available from CRAN. MOSEK and the MOSEK R API can be obtained from <https://www.mosek.com/>. The lp_solve library is freely available from <http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.5/>, and is included when installing its API 'lpSolveAPI', which is available from CRAN. |
Authors: | Alexander Torgovitsky [aut], Joshua Shea [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Joshua Shea <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.4.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-23 04:48:22 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/jkcshea/ivmte |
Angrist Evans Data
A data frame with 209,133 rows and 8 columns.
indicator for whether worked in the previous year
weekly hours worked in the previous year
indicator for having more than two children vs. exactly two children.
indicator for the first two children having the same sex (male-male or female-female)
the year the woman was born
indicator that mother is Black
indicator that mother is Hispanic
indicator that mother is neither Black nor Hispanic
Derived from Angrist and Evans (1998, The American Economic Review).
This function returns a numerically integrable function
corresponding to a single splines basis function. It was not
implemented because it was slower than using the function from the
altDefSplinesBasis(splineslist, j, l, v = 1)
altDefSplinesBasis(splineslist, j, l, v = 1)
splineslist |
a list of splines commands and names of
variables that interact with the splines. This is generated
using the command |
j |
the index for the spline for which to generate the basis functions. |
l |
the index for the basis. |
v |
a constant that multiplies the spline basis. |
a vectorized function corresponding to a single splines basis function that can be numerically integrated.
Auxiliary function to extract arguments from a function that is in string form.
string |
the function in string form. |
string of arguments.
This is the wrapper for running the entire audit procedure. This function sets up the LP/QCQP problem of minimizing criterion. for the set of IV-like estimands, while satisfying boundedness and monotonicity constraints declared by the user. Rather than enforce that boundedness and monotonicity hold across the entire support of covariates and unobservables, this procedure enforces the conditions over a grid of points. This grid corresponds to the set of values the covariates can take, and a set of values of the unobservable term. The size of this grid is specified by the user in the function arguments. The procedure first estimates the bounds while imposing the shape constraints for an initial subset of points in the grid. The procedure then goes on to check ('audit') whether the constraints are satisfied over the entire grid. Any point where either the boundedness or monotonicity constraints are violated are incorporated into the initial grid, and the process is repeated until the audit no longer finds any violations, or until some maximum number of iterations is reached.
audit( data, uname, m0, m1, pm0, pm1, splinesobj, vars_mtr, terms_mtr0, terms_mtr1, vars_data, initgrid.nu = 20, initgrid.nx = 20, audit.nx = 2500, audit.nu = 25, audit.add = 100, audit.max = 25, audit.tol, audit.grid = NULL, m1.ub, m0.ub, m1.lb, m0.lb, mte.ub, mte.lb, m1.ub.default = FALSE, m0.ub.default = FALSE, mte.ub.default = FALSE, m1.lb.default = FALSE, m0.lb.default = FALSE, mte.lb.default = FALSE, m0.dec = FALSE, m0.inc = FALSE, m1.dec = FALSE, m1.inc = FALSE, mte.dec = FALSE, mte.inc = FALSE, equal.coef0, equal.coef1, sset, gstar0, gstar1, orig.sset = NULL, orig.criterion = NULL, criterion.tol = 1e-04, solver, solver.options, solver.presolve, solver.options.criterion, solver.options.bounds, rescale = TRUE, smallreturnlist = FALSE, noisy = TRUE, debug = FALSE )
audit( data, uname, m0, m1, pm0, pm1, splinesobj, vars_mtr, terms_mtr0, terms_mtr1, vars_data, initgrid.nu = 20, initgrid.nx = 20, audit.nx = 2500, audit.nu = 25, audit.add = 100, audit.max = 25, audit.tol, audit.grid = NULL, m1.ub, m0.ub, m1.lb, m0.lb, mte.ub, mte.lb, m1.ub.default = FALSE, m0.ub.default = FALSE, mte.ub.default = FALSE, m1.lb.default = FALSE, m0.lb.default = FALSE, mte.lb.default = FALSE, m0.dec = FALSE, m0.inc = FALSE, m1.dec = FALSE, m1.inc = FALSE, mte.dec = FALSE, mte.inc = FALSE, equal.coef0, equal.coef1, sset, gstar0, gstar1, orig.sset = NULL, orig.criterion = NULL, criterion.tol = 1e-04, solver, solver.options, solver.presolve, solver.options.criterion, solver.options.bounds, rescale = TRUE, smallreturnlist = FALSE, noisy = TRUE, debug = FALSE )
data |
uname |
variable name for the unobservable used in declaring the MTRs. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
m0 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the control group. Splines may also be
incorporated using the expression |
m1 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the treated group. See |
pm0 |
A list of the monomials in the MTR for the control group. |
pm1 |
A list of the monomials in the MTR for the treated group. |
splinesobj |
list of spline components in the MTRs for treated
and control groups. Spline terms are extracted using
vars_mtr |
character, vector of variables entering into
terms_mtr0 |
character, vector of terms entering into
terms_mtr1 |
character, vector of terms entering into
vars_data |
character, vector of variables that can be found in the data. |
initgrid.nu |
integer determining the number of points in the
open interval (0, 1) drawn from a Halton sequence. The end
points 0 and 1 are additionally included. These points are
always a subset of the points defining the audit grid (see
initgrid.nx |
integer determining the number of points of the covariates used to form the initial constraint grid for imposing shape restrictions on the MTRs. |
audit.nx |
integer determining the number of points on the covariates space to audit in each iteration of the audit procedure. |
audit.nu |
integer determining the number of points in the
open interval (0, 1) drawn from a Halton sequence. The end
points 0 and 1 are additionally included. These points are used
to audit whether the shape restrictions on the |
audit.add |
maximum number of points to add to the initial
constraint grid for imposing each kind of shape constraint. For
example, if there are 5 different kinds of shape constraints,
there can be at most |
audit.max |
maximum number of iterations in the audit procedure. |
audit.tol |
feasibility tolerance when performing the
audit. By default to set to be 1e-06, which is equal to the
default feasibility tolerances of Gurobi ( |
audit.grid |
list, contains the |
m1.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on MTR for the treated group. By default, this will be set to the largest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m0.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on MTR for the control group. By default, this will be set to the largest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m1.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on MTR for the treated group. By default, this will be set to the smallest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m0.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on MTR for the control group. By default, this will be set to the smallest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
mte.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on treatment effect parameter of interest. |
mte.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on treatment effect parameter of interest. |
m1.ub.default |
boolean, default set to FALSE. Indicator for whether the value assigned was by the user, or set by default. |
m0.ub.default |
boolean, default set to FALSE. Indicator for whether the value assigned was by the user, or set by default. |
mte.ub.default |
boolean, default set to FALSE. Indicator for whether the value assigned was by the user, or set by default. |
m1.lb.default |
boolean, default set to FALSE. Indicator for whether the value assigned was by the user, or set by default. |
m0.lb.default |
boolean, default set to FALSE. Indicator for whether the value assigned was by the user, or set by default. |
mte.lb.default |
boolean, default set to FALSE. Indicator for whether the value assigned was by the user, or set by default. |
m0.dec |
logical, set to |
m0.inc |
logical, set to |
m1.dec |
logical, set to |
m1.inc |
logical, set to |
mte.dec |
logical, set to |
mte.inc |
logical, set to |
equal.coef0 |
character, a vector containing all the terms in
equal.coef1 |
character, a vector containing all the terms in
sset |
a list containing the point estimates and gamma moments for each IV-like specification. |
gstar0 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group, corresponding to the target parameter. |
gstar1 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group, corresponding to the target parameter. |
orig.sset |
list, only used for bootstraps. The list contains the gamma moments for each element in the S-set, as well as the IV-like coefficients. |
orig.criterion |
numeric, only used for bootstraps. The scalar corresponds to the minimum observational equivalence criterion from the original sample. |
criterion.tol |
tolerance for the criterion function, and is
set to 1e-4 by default. The criterion measures how well the
IV-like moments/conditional means are matched using the
l1-norm. Statistical noise may prohibit the theoretical LP/QCQP
problem from being feasible. That is, there may not exist a set
of MTR coefficients that are able to match all the specified
moments. The function thus first estimates the minimum
criterion, which is reported in the output under the name
'minimum criterion', with a criterion of 0 meaning that all
moments were able to be matched. The function then relaxes the
constraints by tolerating a criterion up to |
solver |
character, name of the programming package in R used
to obtain the bounds on the treatment effect. The function
supports |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. |
solver.presolve |
boolean, default set to |
solver.options.criterion |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. These options are specific for finding the minimum criterion. |
solver.options.bounds |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. These options are specific for finding the bounds. |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
smallreturnlist |
boolean, default set to |
noisy |
boolean, default set to |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
provide output when obtaining bounds. The option is only
applied when |
a list. Included in the list are estimates of the treatment effect bounds; the minimum violation of observational equivalence of the set of IV-like estimands; the list of matrices and vectors defining the LP/QCQP problem; the points used to generate the audit grid, and the points where the shape constraints were violated.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula0 = ~ 1 + u formula1 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet' splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## If splines are interacted with other variables, the ## 'interactSplines' should be used. ## splinesList <- interactSplines(splinesobj = splinesList, ## m0 = formula0, ## m1 = formula1, ## data = data, ## uname = 'u') ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set, which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = TRUE) ## Perform audit procedure and return bounds audit(data = dtm, uname = u, m0 = formula0, m1 = formula1, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, splinesobj = splinesList, vars_data = colnames(dtm), vars_mtr = "u", terms_mtr0 = "u", terms_mtr1 = "u", sset = sSet$sset, gstar0 = targetGamma$gstar0, gstar1 = targetGamma$gstar1, m0.inc = TRUE, m1.dec = TRUE, m0.lb = 0.2, m1.ub = 0.8, audit.max = 5, solver = "lpSolveAPI")
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula0 = ~ 1 + u formula1 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet' splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## If splines are interacted with other variables, the ## 'interactSplines' should be used. ## splinesList <- interactSplines(splinesobj = splinesList, ## m0 = formula0, ## m1 = formula1, ## data = data, ## uname = 'u') ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set, which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = TRUE) ## Perform audit procedure and return bounds audit(data = dtm, uname = u, m0 = formula0, m1 = formula1, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, splinesobj = splinesList, vars_data = colnames(dtm), vars_mtr = "u", terms_mtr0 = "u", terms_mtr1 = "u", sset = sSet$sset, gstar0 = targetGamma$gstar0, gstar1 = targetGamma$gstar1, m0.inc = TRUE, m1.dec = TRUE, m0.lb = 0.2, m1.ub = 0.8, audit.max = 5, solver = "lpSolveAPI")
This function estimates the bounds on the target treatment
effect. The LP model must be passed as an environment variable,
under the entry $model
. See lpSetup
bound( env, sset, solver, solver.options, noisy = FALSE, smallreturnlist = FALSE, rescale = FALSE, debug = FALSE )
bound( env, sset, solver, solver.options, noisy = FALSE, smallreturnlist = FALSE, rescale = FALSE, debug = FALSE )
env |
environment containing the matrices defining the LP problem. |
sset |
a list containing the point estimates and gamma components associated with each element in the S-set. This object is only used to determine the names of terms. If it is no submitted, then no names are provided to the solution vector. |
solver |
string, name of the package used to solve the LP problem. |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected. |
noisy |
boolean, set to |
smallreturnlist |
boolean, set to |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
provide output when obtaining bounds. The option is only
applied when |
a list containing the bounds on the treatment effect; the coefficients on each term in the MTR associated with the upper and lower bounds, for both counterfactuals; the optimization status to the maximization and minimization problems; the LP problem that the optimizer solved.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula0 = ~ 1 + u formula1 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = TRUE) ## Only the entry $sset is required sSet <- sSet$sset ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP ## problem A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4) A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)), matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2))) A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2), cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)))) sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11)) rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11)) ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment. modelEnv <- new.env() modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A, mbs = sense, mbrhs = rhs) ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format ## that is suitable for the LP solver. lpSetup(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Setup LP model so that it is solving for the bounds. lpSetupBound(env = modelEnv, g0 = targetGamma$gstar0, g1 = targetGamma$gstar1, sset = sSet, criterion.tol = 0, criterion.min = 0, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Declare any LP solver options as a list. lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight")) ## Obtain the bounds. bounds <- bound(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi", solver.options = lpOptions) cat("The bounds are [", bounds$min, ",", bounds$max, "].\n")
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula0 = ~ 1 + u formula1 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = TRUE) ## Only the entry $sset is required sSet <- sSet$sset ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP ## problem A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4) A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)), matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2))) A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2), cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)))) sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11)) rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11)) ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment. modelEnv <- new.env() modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A, mbs = sense, mbrhs = rhs) ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format ## that is suitable for the LP solver. lpSetup(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Setup LP model so that it is solving for the bounds. lpSetupBound(env = modelEnv, g0 = targetGamma$gstar0, g1 = targetGamma$gstar1, sset = sSet, criterion.tol = 0, criterion.min = 0, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Declare any LP solver options as a list. lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight")) ## Obtain the bounds. bounds <- bound(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi", solver.options = lpOptions) cat("The bounds are [", bounds$min, ",", bounds$max, "].\n")
This function constructs the forward and backward confidence intervals for the treatment effect under partial identification.
boundCI(bounds, bounds.resamples, n, m, levels, type)
boundCI(bounds, bounds.resamples, n, m, levels, type)
bounds |
vector, bounds of the treatment effects under partial identification. |
bounds.resamples |
matrix, stacked bounds of the treatment effects under partial identification. Each row corresponds to a subset resampled from the original data set. |
n |
integer, size of original data set. |
m |
integer, size of resampled data sets. |
levels |
vector, real numbers between 0 and 1. Values correspond to the level of the confidence intervals constructed via bootstrap. |
type |
character. Set to 'forward' to construct the forward confidence interval for the treatment effect bounds. Set to 'backward' to construct the backward confidence interval for the treatment effect bounds. Set to 'both' to construct both types of confidence intervals. |
if type
is 'forward' or 'backward', then the
corresponding type of confidence interval for each level is
returned. The output is in the form of a matrix, with each row
corresponding to a level. If type
is 'both', then a list
is returned. One element of the list is the matrix of backward
confidence intervals, and the other element of the list is the
matrix of forward confidence intervals.
This function estimates the p-value for the treatment effect under partial identification. p-values corresponding to forward and backward confidence intervals can be returned.
boundPvalue(bounds, bounds.resamples, n, m, type)
boundPvalue(bounds, bounds.resamples, n, m, type)
bounds |
vector, bounds of the treatment effects under partial identification. |
bounds.resamples |
matrix, stacked bounds of the treatment effects under partial identification. Each row corresponds to a subset resampled from the original data set. |
n |
integer, size of original data set. |
m |
integer, size of resampled data sets. |
type |
character. Set to 'forward' to construct the forward confidence interval for the treatment effect bounds. Set to 'backward' to construct the backward confidence interval for the treatment effect bounds. Set to 'both' to construct both types of confidence intervals. |
If type
is 'forward' or 'backward', a scalar p-value
corresponding to the type of confidence interval is
returned. If type
is 'both', a vector of p-values
corresponding to the forward and backward confidence intervals
is returned.
This function is the splines basis function of order 1. This function was coded in accordance to Carl de Boor's set of notes on splines, "B(asic)-Spline Basics".
bX(x, knots, i)
bX(x, knots, i)
x |
vector, the values at which to evaluate the basis function. |
knots |
vector, the internal knots. |
i |
integer, the basis component to be evaluated. |
This function ensures that the unobservable term enters into the MTR in the correct manner. That is, it enters as a polynomial.
checkU(formula, uname)
checkU(formula, uname)
formula |
a formula. |
uname |
name of the unobserved variable. |
If the unobservable term is entered correctly into the
formula, then NULL
is returned. Otherwise, the vector of
incorrect terms is returned.
Auxiliary function to test if an object is a formula. Warnings are suppressed.
obj |
the object to be checked. |
boolean expression.
Auxiliary function to test if an object is a list. Warnings are suppressed.
obj |
the object to be checked. |
boolean expression.
This function simply combines the objects associated with the boundedness constraints and the monotonicity constraints.
combinemonobound(bdA, monoA)
combinemonobound(bdA, monoA)
bdA |
list containing the constraint matrix, vector of inequalities, and RHS vector associated with the boundedness constraints. |
monoA |
list containing the constraint matrix, vector on inequalities, and RHS vector associated with the monotonicity constraints. |
a list containing a unified constraint matrix, unified vector of inequalities, and unified RHS vector for the boundedness and monotonicity constraints of an LP/QCQP problem.
This function constructs another function that returns a constant. It is used for constructing weight/knot functions.
x |
scalar, the constant the function evaluates to. |
a function.
Given a set of IV-like estimates and the set of matrices/vectors
defining an LP problem, this function minimizes the violation of
observational equivalence under the L1 norm. The LP model must be
passed as an environment variable, under the entry $model
See lpSetup
criterionMin(env, sset, solver, solver.options, rescale = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
criterionMin(env, sset, solver, solver.options, rescale = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
env |
environment containing the matrices defining the LP problem. |
sset |
A list of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma terms. |
solver |
string, name of the package used to solve the LP problem. |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected. |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
provide output when obtaining bounds. The option is only
applied when |
A list including the minimum violation of observational equivalence, the solution to the LP problem, and the status of the solution.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula0 = ~ 1 + u formula1 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = TRUE) ## Only the entry $sset is required sSet <- sSet$sset ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP ## problem. The code below imposes a lower bound of 0.2 and upper ## bound of 0.8 on the MTRs. A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4) A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)), matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2))) A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2), cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)))) sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11)) rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11)) ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment. modelEnv <- new.env() modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A, mbs = sense, mbrhs = rhs) ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format ## that is suitable for the LP solver. lpSetup(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Setup LP model so that it will minimize the criterion lpSetupCriterion(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet) ## Declare any LP solver options as a list. lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight")) ## Minimize the criterion. obseqMin <- criterionMin(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi", solver.options = lpOptions) obseqMin cat("The minimum criterion is", obseqMin$obj, "\n")
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula0 = ~ 1 + u formula1 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = TRUE) ## Only the entry $sset is required sSet <- sSet$sset ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP ## problem. The code below imposes a lower bound of 0.2 and upper ## bound of 0.8 on the MTRs. A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4) A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)), matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2))) A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2), cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)))) sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11)) rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11)) ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment. modelEnv <- new.env() modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A, mbs = sense, mbrhs = rhs) ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format ## that is suitable for the LP solver. lpSetup(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Setup LP model so that it will minimize the criterion lpSetupCriterion(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet) ## Declare any LP solver options as a list. lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight")) ## Minimize the criterion. obseqMin <- criterionMin(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi", solver.options = lpOptions) obseqMin cat("The minimum criterion is", obseqMin$obj, "\n")
This function generates the design matrix given an IV specification.
design(formula, data, subset, treat, orig.names)
design(formula, data, subset, treat, orig.names)
formula |
Formula with which to generate the design matrix. |
data |
subset |
Condition to select subset of data. |
treat |
The name of the treatment variable. This should only be passed when constructing OLS weights. |
orig.names |
character vector of the terms in the final design
matrix. This is required when the user declares an IV-like
formula where the treatment variable is passed into the
Three matrices are returned: one for the outcome variable, Y; one for the second stage covariates, X; and one for the first stage covariates, Z.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() design(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, subset = z %in% c(1, 2))
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() design(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, subset = z %in% c(1, 2))
Auxiliary function to extract columns from a matrix based on column names.
extractcols(M, components)
extractcols(M, components)
M |
The matrix to extract from. |
components |
The vector of variable names. |
This function simply takes a number and formats it for being displayed. Numbers less than 1 in absolute value are rounded to 6 significant figure. Numbers larger than
x |
The scalar to be formated |
A scalar.
This function evaluates a single function in a list of functions.
funEval(fun, values = NULL, argnames = NULL)
funEval(fun, values = NULL, argnames = NULL)
fun |
the function to be evaluated. |
values |
the values of the arguments to the function. Ordering
is assumed to be the same as in |
argnames |
the argument names corresponding to |
the output of the function evaluated.
The user can declare that the unobservable enters into the MTRs in
the form of splines. This function generates the basis matrix for
the splines. The specifications for the spline must be passed as
the $splineslist
object generated by
. Note that this function does not
account for any interactions between the splines and the
covariates. Interactions can be added simply by sweeping the basis
matrix by a vector for the values of the covariates.
genBasisSplines(splines, x, d = NULL)
genBasisSplines(splines, x, d = NULL)
splines |
a list. The name of each element should be the
spline command, and each element should be a vector. Each entry
of the vector is a covariate that the spline should be
interacted with. Such an object can be generated by
x |
the values of the unobservable at which the splines basis should be evaluated. |
d |
either 0 or 1, indicating the treatment status. |
a matrix. The number of rows is equal to the length of
, and the number of columns depends on the
specifications of the spline. The name of each column takes the
following form: "u[d]S[j].[b]", where "u" and "S" are fixed and
stand for "unobservable" and "Splines" respectively. "[d]" will
be either 0 or 1, depending on the treatment status. "[j]" will
be an integer indicating which element of the list
the column pertains to. "[b]" will be an integer
reflect which component of the basis the column pertains to.
This function generates the component of the constraint matrix in the LP/QCQP problem pertaining to the lower and upper bounds on the MTRs and MTEs. These bounds are declared by the user.
genboundA( A0, A1, sset, gridobj, uname, m0.lb, m0.ub, m1.lb, m1.ub, mte.lb, mte.ub, solution.m0.min = NULL, solution.m1.min = NULL, solution.m0.max = NULL, solution.m1.max = NULL, audit.tol, direct = FALSE )
genboundA( A0, A1, sset, gridobj, uname, m0.lb, m0.ub, m1.lb, m1.ub, mte.lb, mte.ub, solution.m0.min = NULL, solution.m1.min = NULL, solution.m0.max = NULL, solution.m1.max = NULL, audit.tol, direct = FALSE )
A0 |
the matrix of values from evaluating the MTR for control observations over the grid generated to perform the audit. This matrix will be incorporated into the final constraint matrix for the bounds. |
A1 |
the matrix of values from evaluating the MTR for control observations over the grid generated to perform the audit. This matrix will be incorporated into the final constraint matrix for the bounds. |
sset |
a list containing the point estimates and gamma components associated with each element in the S-set. |
gridobj |
a list containing the grid over which the monotonicity and boundedness conditions are imposed on. |
uname |
name declared by user to represent the unobservable term. |
m0.lb |
scalar, lower bound on MTR for control group. |
m0.ub |
scalar, upper bound on MTR for control group. |
m1.lb |
scalar, lower bound on MTR for treated group. |
m1.ub |
scalar, upper bound on MTR for treated group. |
mte.lb |
scalar, lower bound on MTE. |
mte.ub |
scalar, upper bound on MTE. |
solution.m0.min |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m1.min |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m0.max |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m1.max |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
audit.tol |
feasibility tolerance when performing the
audit. By default to set to be equal |
direct |
boolean, set to |
a constraint matrix for the LP/QCQP problem, the associated vector of inequalities, and the RHS vector in the inequality constraint. The objects pertain only to the boundedness constraints declared by the user.
This function generates a data set for testing purposes. There is a single instrument that takes on values of 1 or 2, and the distribution of the values for the binary instrument is uniform. The MTRs are m0 ~ 0 + u and m1 ~ 1 + u. All unobservables u are integrated out.
gendist1(subN = 5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6)
gendist1(subN = 5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6)
subN |
integer, default set to 5. This is the number of individuals possessing each value of the instrument. So the total number of observations is subN * 2. |
p1 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 1. |
p2 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 2. |
a data.frame.
This function generates a data set for testing purposes. There is a single instrument that takes on values of 1 or 2, and the distribution of the values for the binary instrument is uniform. The MTRs are m0 ~ 0 + u and m1 ~ 1 + u.
gendist1e(N = 100, subN = 0.5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, v0.sd = 0.5, v1.sd = 0.75)
gendist1e(N = 100, subN = 0.5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, v0.sd = 0.5, v1.sd = 0.75)
N |
integer, default set to 100. Total number of observations in the data. |
subN |
, default set to 0.5. This is the probability the agent will have Z = 1. |
p1 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 1. |
p2 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 2. |
v0.sd |
numeric, standard deviation of error term for
counterfactual |
v1.sd |
numeric, standard deviation of error term for
counterfactual |
a data.frame.
This function generates a data set for testing purposes. There is a single instrument that takes on values of 1, 2, or 3, and the distribution of the values for the binary instrument is uniform. The MTRs are m0 ~ 1 + u and m1 ~ 1 + u. All unobservables u are integrated out.
gendist2(subN = 5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, p3 = 0.8)
gendist2(subN = 5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, p3 = 0.8)
subN |
integer, default set to 5. This is the number of individuals possessing each value of the instrument. So the total number of observations is subN * 2. |
p1 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 1. |
p2 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 2. |
p3 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 3. |
a data.frame.
This function generates a data set for testing purposes. There is a single instrument that takes on values of 1 and 2, and the distribution of the values for the binary instrument is uniform. The MTRs are m0 ~ 1 and m1 ~ 1. All unobservables u are integrated out.
gendist3(subN = 5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6)
gendist3(subN = 5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6)
subN |
integer, default set to 5. This is the number of individuals possessing each value of the instrument. So the total number of observations is subN * 2. |
p1 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 1. |
p2 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 2. |
a data.frame.
This function generates a data set for testing purposes. There is a single instrument that takes on values of 1 or 2, and the distribution of the values for the binary instrument is uniform. The MTRs are m0 ~ 0 + u and m1 ~ 1 + u.
gendist3e(N = 100, subN = 0.5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, v0.sd = 0.5, v1.sd = 0.75)
gendist3e(N = 100, subN = 0.5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, v0.sd = 0.5, v1.sd = 0.75)
N |
integer, default set to 100. Total number of observations in the data. |
subN |
, default set to 0.5. This is the probability the agent will have Z = 1. |
p1 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 1. |
p2 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 2. |
v0.sd |
numeric, standard deviation of error term for
counterfactual |
v1.sd |
numeric, standard deviation of error term for
counterfactual |
a data.frame.
This function generates a data set for testing purposes. There is a single instrument that takes on values of 1, 2, and 3, and the distribution of the values for the binary instrument is uniform. The MTRs are m0 ~ 1 and m1 ~ 1. All unobservables u are integrated out.
gendist4(subN = 5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, p3 = 0.8)
gendist4(subN = 5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, p3 = 0.8)
subN |
integer, default set to 5. This is the number of individuals possessing each value of the instrument. So the total number of observations is subN * 2. |
p1 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 1. |
p2 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 2. |
p3 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 3. |
a data.frame.
This function generates a data set for testing purposes. There is a single instrument that takes on values of 1 or 2, and the distribution of the values for the binary instrument is uniform. The MTRs are both of the form m ~ 1 + x + u.
gendist5e(N = 100, subN = 0.5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, v0.sd = 1, v1.sd = 1.55)
gendist5e(N = 100, subN = 0.5, p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.6, v0.sd = 1, v1.sd = 1.55)
N |
integer, default set to 100. Total number of observations in the data. |
subN |
, default set to 0.5. This is the probability the agent will have Z = 1. |
p1 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 1. |
p2 |
the probability of treatment for those with the instrument Z = 2. |
v0.sd |
numeric, standard deviation of error term for
counterfactual |
v1.sd |
numeric, standard deviation of error term for
counterfactual |
a data.frame.
This function generates a data set for testing purposes. There is a single instrument that is uniformly distributed over [0, 1]. The MTRs are both of the form m ~ 1 + x + x:u.
gendist6e(N = 100, v0.sd = 1, v1.sd = 1.55)
gendist6e(N = 100, v0.sd = 1, v1.sd = 1.55)
N |
integer, default set to 100. Total number of observations in the data. |
v0.sd |
numeric, standard deviation of error term for
counterfactual |
v1.sd |
numeric, standard deviation of error term for
counterfactual |
a data.frame.
This code generates population level data to test the estimation function. This is a simpler dataset, one in which we can more easily estimate a correctly specified model. The data presented below will have already integrated over the # unobservable terms U, where U | X, Z ~ Unif[0, 1].
a list of two data.frame objects. One is the distribution of the simulated data, the other is the full simulated data set.
This code generates population level data to test the estimation function. This data includes covariates. The data generated will have already integrated over the unobservable terms U, where U | X, Z ~ Unif[0, 1].
a list of two data.frame objects. One is the distribution of the simulated data, the other is the full simulated data set.
This code generates the population level data in Mogstad, Santos, Torgovitsky (2018), i.e. the mosquito data set used as the running example.
This code generates population level data to test the estimation function. This data set incorporates splines in the MTRs.
The distribution of the data is as follows
| Z X/Z | 0 1 _______|___________ -1 | 0.1 0.1 | X 0 | 0.2 0.2 | 1 | 0.1 0.2
The data presented below will have already integrated over the unobservable terms U, and U | X, Z ~ Unif[0, 1].
The propensity scores are generated according to the model
p(x, z) = 0.5 - 0.1 * x + 0.2 * z
| Z p(X,Z) | 0 1 _______|___________ -1 | 0.6 0.8 | X 0 | 0.5 0.7 | 1 | 0.4 0.6
The lowest common multiple of the first table is 12. The lowest common multiple of the second table is 84. It turns out that 840 * 5 = 4200 observations is enough to generate the population data set, such that each group has a whole-number of observations.
The MTRs are defined as follows:
y1 ~ beta0 + beta1 * x + uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.3, 0.6), intercept = FALSE)
The coefficients (beta1, beta2), and the coefficients on the splines, will be defined below.
y0 = x : uSpline(degree = 0, knots = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8), intercept = TRUE) + uSpline(degree = 1, knots = c(0.4), intercept = TRUE) + beta3 * I(u ^ 2)
The coefficient beta3, and the coefficients on the splines, will be defined below.
a list of two data.frame objects. One is the distribution of the simulated data, the other is the full simulated data set.
Auxiliary function to generate standard basis vectors.
genej(pos, length)
genej(pos, length)
pos |
The position of the non-zero entry/dimension the basis vector corresponds to |
length |
Number of dimensions in total/length of vector. |
Vector containing 1 in a single position, and 0 elsewhere.
This function generates the gamma objects defined in the paper, i.e. each additive term in E[md], where md is a MTR.
genGamma( monomials, lb, ub, multiplier = 1, subset = NULL, means = TRUE, late.rows = NULL )
genGamma( monomials, lb, ub, multiplier = 1, subset = NULL, means = TRUE, late.rows = NULL )
monomials |
[UPDATE DESCRIPTION] object containing list of list of monomials. Each element of the outer list represents an observation in the data set, each element in the inner list is a monomial from the MTR. The variable is the unobservable u, and the coefficient is the evaluation of any interactions with u. |
lb |
vector of lower bounds for the interval of integration. Each element corresponds to an observation. |
ub |
vector of upper bounds for the interval of integration. Each element corresponds to an observation. |
multiplier |
a vector of the weights that enter into the integral. Each element corresponds to an observation. |
subset |
The row names/numbers of the subset of observations to use. |
means |
logical, if TRUE then function returns the terms of E[md]. If FALSE, then function instead returns each term of E[md | D, X, Z]. This is useful for testing the code, i.e. obtaining population estimates. |
late.rows |
Boolean vector indicating which observations to include when conditioning on covariates X. |
If means = TRUE
, then the function returns a vector
of the additive terms in Gamma (i.e. the expectation is over D,
X, Z, and u). If means = FALSE
, then the function
returns a matrix, where each row corresponds to an observation,
and each column corresponds to an additive term in E[md | D, X,
Z] (i.e. only the integral with respect to u is performed).
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare MTR formula formula0 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Construct propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate gamma moments, with S-weight equal to its default value ## of 1 genGamma(monomials = polynomials0, lb = 0, ub = propensityObj$phat)
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare MTR formula formula0 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Construct propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate gamma moments, with S-weight equal to its default value ## of 1 genGamma(monomials = polynomials0, lb = 0, ub = propensityObj$phat)
The user can declare that the unobservable enters into the MTRs in
the form of splines. This function generates the gamma moments for
the splines. The specifications for the spline must be passed as an
element generated by removeSplines
. This function
accounts for the interaction between covariates and splines.
genGammaSplines( splinesobj, data, lb, ub, multiplier = 1, subset, d = NULL, means = TRUE, late.rows = NULL )
genGammaSplines( splinesobj, data, lb, ub, multiplier = 1, subset, d = NULL, means = TRUE, late.rows = NULL )
splinesobj |
a list generated by |
data |
a |
lb |
vector of lower bounds for the interval of integration. Each element corresponds to an observation. |
ub |
vector of upper bounds for the interval of integration. Each element corresponds to an observation. |
multiplier |
a vector of the weights that enter into the integral. Each element corresponds to an observation. |
subset |
Subset condition used to select observations with which to estimate gamma. |
d |
either 0 or 1, indicating the treatment status. |
means |
boolean, default set to |
late.rows |
Boolean vector indicating which observations to include when conditioning on covariates X. |
a matrix, corresponding to the splines being integrated
over the region specified by lb
and ub
accounting for the interaction terms. The number of rows is
equal to the number of rows in data
. The number of
columns depends on the specifications of the spline. The name
of each column takes the following form: "u[d]S[j].[b]", where
"u" and "S" are fixed and stand for "unobservable" and
"Splines" respectively. "[d]" will be either 0 or 1, depending
on the treatment status. "[j]" will be an integer indicating
which element of the list splines
the column pertains
to. "[b]" will be an integer reflect which component of the
basis the column pertains to.
This function generates the Gamma moments for a given set of weights. This funciton is written specifically for tests.
genGammaSplinesTT(distr, weight, zvars, u1s1, u0s1, u0s2, target = FALSE, ...)
genGammaSplinesTT(distr, weight, zvars, u1s1, u0s1, u0s2, target = FALSE, ...)
distr |
data.frame, the distribution of the data. |
weight |
function, the S-function corresponding to a particular IV-like estimand. |
zvars |
vector, string names of the covariates, other than the intercept and treatment variable. |
u1s1 |
matrix, the spline basis for the treated group ("u1") corresponding to the first (and only) spline specification ("s1"). |
u0s1 |
matrix, the spline basis for the control group ("u0") corresponding to the first spline specification ("s1"). |
u0s2 |
matrix, the spline basis for the control group ("u0") corresponding to the second spline specification ("s2"). |
target |
boolean, set to |
... |
all other arguments that enter into |
vector, the Gamma moments associated with weight
This function generates the gamma moments from a population level data set. This is specifically constructed to carry out tests.
genGammaTT(data, s0, s1, lb, ub)
genGammaTT(data, s0, s1, lb, ub)
data |
data.table. |
s0 |
variable name (contained in the data) for the S-weight used to generate the Gamma moments for the control group. |
s1 |
variable name (contained in the data) for the S-weight used to generate the Gamma moments for the treated group. |
lb |
scalar, lower bound for integration. |
ub |
scalar, upper bound for integration. |
list, contains the vectors of the Gamma moments for control and treated observations.
This function takes in a matrix summarizing the support of the covariates, as well as set of points summarizing the support of the unobservable variable. A Cartesian product of the subset of the support of the covariates and the points in the support of the unobservable generates the grid that is used for the audit procedure.
gengrid(index, xsupport, usupport, uname)
gengrid(index, xsupport, usupport, uname)
index |
a vector whose elements indicate the rows in the
matrix |
xsupport |
a matrix containing all the unique combinations of the covariates included in the MTRs. |
usupport |
a vector of points in the interval [0, 1], including 0 and 1. The number of points is decided by the user. The function generates these points using a Halton sequence. |
uname |
name declared by user to represent the unobservable term. |
a list containing the grid used in the audit; a vector
mapping the elements in the support of the covariates to
This function generates the matrix and vectors associated with the monotonicity constraints declared by the user. It takes in a grid of the covariates on which the shape constraints are defined, and then calculates the values of the MTR and MTE over the grid. The matrices characterizing the monotonicity conditions can then be obtained by taking first differences over the grid of the unobservable term, within each set of values in the grid of covariate values.
genmonoA( A0, A1, sset, uname, gridobj, gstar0, gstar1, m0.dec, m0.inc, m1.dec, m1.inc, mte.dec, mte.inc, solution.m0.min = NULL, solution.m1.min = NULL, solution.m0.max = NULL, solution.m1.max = NULL, audit.tol, direct )
genmonoA( A0, A1, sset, uname, gridobj, gstar0, gstar1, m0.dec, m0.inc, m1.dec, m1.inc, mte.dec, mte.inc, solution.m0.min = NULL, solution.m1.min = NULL, solution.m0.max = NULL, solution.m1.max = NULL, audit.tol, direct )
A0 |
the matrix of values from evaluating the MTR for control observations over the grid generated to perform the audit. This matrix will be incorporated into the final constraint matrix for the monotonicity conditions. |
A1 |
the matrix of values from evaluating the MTR for control observations over the grid generated to perform the audit. This matrix will be incorporated into the final constraint matrix for the monotonicity conditions. |
sset |
a list containing the point estimates and gamma components associated with each element in the S-set. |
uname |
Name of unobserved variable. |
gridobj |
a list containing the grid over which the monotonicity and boundedness conditions are imposed on. |
gstar0 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group. |
gstar1 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group. |
m0.dec |
boolean, indicating whether the MTR for the control group is monotone decreasing. |
m0.inc |
boolean, indicating whether the MTR for the control group is monotone increasing. |
m1.dec |
boolean, indicating whether the MTR for the treated group is monotone decreasing. |
m1.inc |
boolean, indicating whether the MTR for the treated group is monotone increasing. |
mte.dec |
boolean, indicating whether the MTE is monotone decreasing. |
mte.inc |
boolean, indicating whether the MTE is monotone increasing. |
solution.m0.min |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m1.min |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m0.max |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m1.max |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
audit.tol |
feasibility tolerance when performing the
audit. By default to set to be equal |
direct |
boolean, set to |
constraint matrix for the LP/QCQP problem. The matrix pertains only to the monotonicity conditions on the MTR and MTE declared by the user.
This is a wrapper function generating the matrices and vectors associated with the monotonicity and boundedness constraints declared by the user. Since this function generates all the components required for the shape constraints, it is also the function that performs the audit. That is, MTR coefficients are passed, then this function will verify whether they satisfy the shape constraints.
genmonoboundA( pm0, pm1, support, grid_index, uvec, splinesobj, monov, uname, m0, m1, sset, gstar0, gstar1, m0.lb, m0.ub, m1.lb, m1.ub, mte.lb, mte.ub, m0.dec, m0.inc, m1.dec, m1.inc, mte.dec, mte.inc, solution.m0.min = NULL, solution.m1.min = NULL, solution.m0.max = NULL, solution.m1.max = NULL, audit.tol, direct )
genmonoboundA( pm0, pm1, support, grid_index, uvec, splinesobj, monov, uname, m0, m1, sset, gstar0, gstar1, m0.lb, m0.ub, m1.lb, m1.ub, mte.lb, mte.ub, m0.dec, m0.inc, m1.dec, m1.inc, mte.dec, mte.inc, solution.m0.min = NULL, solution.m1.min = NULL, solution.m0.max = NULL, solution.m1.max = NULL, audit.tol, direct )
pm0 |
A list of the monomials in the MTR for d = 0. |
pm1 |
A list of the monomials in the MTR for d = 1. |
support |
a matrix for the support of all variables that enter into the MTRs. |
grid_index |
a vector, the row numbers of |
uvec |
a vector, the points in the interval [0, 1] that the unobservable takes on. |
splinesobj |
a list of lists. Each of the inner lists contains details on the splines declared in the MTRs. |
monov |
name of variable for which the monotonicity conditions applies to. |
uname |
name declared by user to represent the unobservable term in the MTRs. |
m0 |
one-sided formula for marginal treatment response
function for the control group. The formula may differ from
what the user originally input in |
m1 |
one-sided formula for marginal treatment response
function for the treated group. The formula may differ from
what the user originally input in |
sset |
a list containing the point estimates and gamma components associated with each element in the S-set. |
gstar0 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group. |
gstar1 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group. |
m0.lb |
scalar, lower bound on MTR for control group. |
m0.ub |
scalar, upper bound on MTR for control group. |
m1.lb |
scalar, lower bound on MTR for treated group. |
m1.ub |
scalar, upper bound on MTR for treated group. |
mte.lb |
scalar, lower bound on MTE. |
mte.ub |
scalar, upper bound on MTE. |
m0.dec |
boolean, indicating whether the MTR for the control group is monotone decreasing. |
m0.inc |
boolean, indicating whether the MTR for the control group is monotone increasing. |
m1.dec |
boolean, indicating whether the MTR for the treated group is monotone decreasing. |
m1.inc |
boolean, indicating whether the MTR for the treated group is monotone increasing. |
mte.dec |
boolean, indicating whether the MTE is monotone decreasing. |
mte.inc |
boolean, indicating whether the MTE is monotone increasing. |
solution.m0.min |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m1.min |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m0.max |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
solution.m1.max |
vector, the coefficients for the MTR for
audit.tol |
feasibility tolerance when performing the
audit. By default to set to be equal |
direct |
boolean, set to |
a list containing a unified constraint matrix, unified vector of inequalities, and unified RHS vector for the boundedness and monotonicity constraints of an LP/QCQP problem.
This function takes in the IV estimate and its IV-like
specification, and generates a list containing the corresponding
IV-like point estimate, and the corresponding moments (gammas) that
will enter into the constraint matrix of the LP problem. If the
option means = FALSE
, then the data are not averaged to
generate the gamma moments and may be used for GMM. The function
requires the user to provide a list (i.e. the list the point
estimates and moments corresponding to other IV-like
specifications; or an empty list) to append these point estimates
and moments to.
genSSet( data, sset, sest, splinesobj, pmodobj, pm0, pm1, ncomponents, scount, subset_index, means = TRUE, yvar, dvar, noisy = TRUE, ivn = NULL, redundant = NULL )
genSSet( data, sset, sest, splinesobj, pmodobj, pm0, pm1, ncomponents, scount, subset_index, means = TRUE, yvar, dvar, noisy = TRUE, ivn = NULL, redundant = NULL )
data |
sset |
list, which is modified and returned as the output. This object will contain all the information from the IV-like specifications that can be used for estimating the treatment effect. |
sest |
list containing the point estimates and S-weights corresponding to a particular IV-like estimand. |
splinesobj |
list of spline components in the MTRs for treated
and control groups. Spline terms are extracted using
pmodobj |
vector of propensity scores. |
pm0 |
list of the monomials in the MTR for the control group. |
pm1 |
list of the monomials in the MTR for the treated group. |
ncomponents |
The number of components from the IV regression to include in the S-set. |
scount |
integer, an index for the elements in the S-set. |
subset_index |
vector of integers, a row index for the subset of the data the IV regression is restricted to. |
means |
boolean, set to |
yvar |
name of outcome variable. This is only used if
dvar |
name of treatment indicator. This is only used if
noisy |
boolean, default set to |
ivn |
integer, the number indicating which IV specification the component corresponds to. |
redundant |
vector of integers indicating which components in the S-set are redundant. |
A list containing the point estimate for the IV regression, and the expectation of each monomial term in the MTR.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided) sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula1 = ~ 1 + u formula0 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Construct S-set, which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 1, scount = 1)
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided) sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula1 = ~ 1 + u formula0 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Construct S-set, which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 1, scount = 1)
This function estimates the moment of each MTR term under the target weight.
genTarget( treat, m0, m1, target, target.weight0, target.weight1, target.knots0, target.knots1, late.Z, late.from, late.to, late.X, eval.X, genlate.lb, genlate.ub, data, splinesobj, pmodobj, pm0, pm1, noisy = TRUE )
genTarget( treat, m0, m1, target, target.weight0, target.weight1, target.knots0, target.knots1, late.Z, late.from, late.to, late.X, eval.X, genlate.lb, genlate.ub, data, splinesobj, pmodobj, pm0, pm1, noisy = TRUE )
treat |
variable name for treatment indicator. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
m0 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the control group. Splines may also be
incorporated using the expression |
m1 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the treated group. See |
target |
character, target parameter to be estimated. The
function allows for ATE ( |
target.weight0 |
user-defined weight function for the control
group defining the target parameter. A list of functions can be
submitted if the weighting function is in fact a spline. The
arguments of the function should be variable names in
target.weight1 |
user-defined weight function for the treated
group defining the target parameter. See |
target.knots0 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with spline weights for the control group. The
arguments of the function should consist only of variable names
in |
target.knots1 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with spline weights for the treated group. See
late.Z |
vector of variable names used to define the LATE. |
late.from |
baseline set of values of Z used to define the LATE. |
late.to |
comparison set of values of Z used to define the LATE. |
late.X |
vector of variable names of covariates to condition on when defining the LATE. |
eval.X |
numeric vector of the values to condition variables
in |
genlate.lb |
lower bound value of unobservable |
genlate.ub |
upper bound value of unobservable |
data |
splinesobj |
list of spline components in the MTRs for treated
and control groups. Spline terms are extracted using
pmodobj |
A vector of propensity scores. |
pm0 |
A list of the monomials in the MTR for d = 0. |
pm1 |
A list of the monomials in the MTR for d = 1. |
noisy |
boolean, default set to |
A list containing either the vectors of gamma moments for
D = 0
and D = 1
, or a matrix of individual gamma
values for D = 0
and D = 1
. Additoinally, two
vectors are returned. xindex0
and xindex1
the variables that interact with the unobservable u
and m1
. uexporder0
lists the exponents of the unobservable
in each term it appears in.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare MTR functions formula1 = ~ 1 + u formula0 = ~ 1 + u splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Declare propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1)
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare MTR functions formula1 = ~ 1 + u formula0 = ~ 1 + u splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Declare propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1)
This function takes in the user-defined target weight functions and the data set, and generates the weight functions for each observation.
genWeight(fun, fun.name, uname, data)
genWeight(fun, fun.name, uname, data)
fun |
custom weight function defined by the user. Arguments of the weight function must only be names of variables entering into the function, and can include the unobserved variable. |
fun.name |
string, name of function. |
uname |
the name assigned to the unobserved variable entering into the MTR. |
data |
a named vector containing the values of the variables defining the 'fun', excluding the value of the unobservable (generated from applying split() to a data.frame). |
The weight function 'fun', where all arguments other than that of the unobserved variable are fixed according to the vector 'data'.
Auxiliary function that takes in a two-sided formula, and extracts the variable names of either the covariates or instruments. The function returns an error if the formula includes a variable called 'intercept'.
getXZ(fm, inst = FALSE, terms = FALSE, components = FALSE)
getXZ(fm, inst = FALSE, terms = FALSE, components = FALSE)
fm |
the formula. |
inst |
boolean expression, set to TRUE if the instrument names are to be extracted. Otherwise, the covariate names are extracted. |
terms |
boolean expression, set to TRUE if the terms in the
formula |
components |
boolean expression, set to FALSE by default. Indicates that the formula being considered is constructed from a list of components, and thus the term 'intercept' is permitted. |
vector of variable names.
If the user sets the argument point = TRUE
in the function
, then it is assumed that the treatment effect
parameter is point identified. The observational equivalence
condition is then set up as a two-step GMM problem. Solving this
GMM problem recovers the coefficients on the MTR functions m0 and
m1. Combining these coefficients with the target gamma moments
allows one to estimate the target treatment effect.
gmmEstimate( sset, gstar0, gstar1, center = NULL, subsetList = NULL, n = NULL, redundant = NULL, identity = FALSE, nMoments, splines, noisy = TRUE )
gmmEstimate( sset, gstar0, gstar1, center = NULL, subsetList = NULL, n = NULL, redundant = NULL, identity = FALSE, nMoments, splines, noisy = TRUE )
sset |
a list of lists constructed from the function genSSet. Each inner list should include a coefficient corresponding to a term in an IV specification, a matrix of the estimates of the gamma moments conditional on (X, Z) for the control group, and a matrix of the estimates of the gamma moments conditional on (X, Z) for the treated group. The column means of the last two matrices is what is used to generate the gamma moments. |
gstar0 |
vector, the target gamma moments for the control group. |
gstar1 |
vector, the target gamma moments for the treated group. |
center |
numeric, the GMM moment equations from the original sample. When bootstrapping, the solution to the point identified case obtained from the original sample can be passed through this argument to recenter the bootstrap distribution of the J-statistic. |
subsetList |
list of subset indexes, one for each IV-like specification. |
n |
number of observations in the data. This option is only used when subsetting is involved. |
redundant |
vector of integers indicating which components in the S-set are redundant. |
identity |
boolean, default set to |
nMoments |
number of linearly independent moments. This option is used to determine the cause of underidentified cases. |
splines |
boolean, set to |
noisy |
boolean, default set to |
a list containing the point estimate of the treatment
effects, and the MTR coefficient estimates. The moment
conditions evaluated at the solution are also returned, along
with the J-test results. However, if the option center
is passed, then the moment conditions and J-test are centered
(this is to perform the J-test via bootstrap).
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula1 = ~ 0 + u formula0 = ~ 0 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = FALSE) ## Obtain point estimates using GMM gmmEstimate(sset = sSet$sset, gstar0 = targetGamma$gstar0, gstar1 = targetGamma$gstar1)
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula1 = ~ 0 + u formula0 = ~ 0 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = FALSE) ## Obtain point estimates using GMM gmmEstimate(sset = sSet$sset, gstar0 = targetGamma$gstar0, gstar1 = targetGamma$gstar1)
Certain interactions between factor variables and splines should be dropped to avoid collinearity. Albeit collinearity in the MTR specification will not impact the bounds, it can substantially impact how costly it is to carry out the estimation. What this function does is map each spline to a temporary variable. A design matrix is then constructed using these temporary variables in place the splines. If an interaction involving one of the temporary variables is dropped, then one knows to also drop the corresponding interaction with the spline. Note that only interaction terms need to be omitted, so one does not need to worry about the formula contained in removeSplines$formula.
interactSplines(splinesobj, m0, m1, data, uname)
interactSplines(splinesobj, m0, m1, data, uname)
splinesobj |
list, consists of two elelments. The first is
m0 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response function for the control group. This should be the full MTR specificaiton (i.e. not the specification after removing the splines). |
m1 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response function for the treated group. This should be the full MTR specificaiton (i.e. not the specification after removing the splines). |
data |
data.frame, restricted to complete observations. |
uname |
string, name of the unobserved variable. |
An updated version of splinesobj
Auxiliary function to check if a string is in fact a command, but in string form.
string |
the string object to be checked. |
boolean expression.
This function estimates the IV-like estimands, as well as generates the weights associated with the IV-like specifications.
ivEstimate( formula, data, subset, components, treat, list = FALSE, order = NULL )
ivEstimate( formula, data, subset, components, treat, list = FALSE, order = NULL )
formula |
formula to be estimated using OLS/IV. |
data |
subset |
subset condition with which to perform the estimate. |
components |
vector of variable names whose coefficients we want to include in the set of IV-like estimands. |
treat |
name of treatment indicator variable. |
list |
logical, set to TRUE if this function is being used to loop over a list of formulas. |
order |
integer, default set to |
Returns a list containing the matrices of IV-like
specifications for D = 0
and D = 1
; and the
estimates of the IV-like estimands.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(d), treat = d, list = FALSE)
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(d), treat = d, list = FALSE)
This function provides a general framework for using the marginal treatment effect (MTE) to extrapolate. The model is the same binary treatment instrumental variable (IV) model considered by Imbens and Angrist (1994) (doi:10.2307/2951620) and Heckman and Vytlacil (2005) (doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2005.00594.x). The framework on which this function is based was developed by Mogstad, Santos and Torgovitsky (2018) (doi:10.3982/ECTA15463). See also the recent survey paper on extrapolation in IV models by Mogstad and Torgovitsky (2018) (doi:10.1146/annurev-economics-101617-041813). A detailed description of the module and its features can be found in Shea and Torgovitsky (2021).
ivmte( data, target, late.from, late.to, late.X, genlate.lb, genlate.ub, target.weight0 = NULL, target.weight1 = NULL, target.knots0 = NULL, target.knots1 = NULL, m0, m1, uname = u, m1.ub, m0.ub, m1.lb, m0.lb, mte.ub, mte.lb, m0.dec, m0.inc, m1.dec, m1.inc, mte.dec, mte.inc, equal.coef, ivlike, components, subset, propensity, link = "logit", treat, outcome, solver, solver.options, solver.presolve, solver.options.criterion, solver.options.bounds, lpsolver, lpsolver.options, lpsolver.presolve, lpsolver.options.criterion, lpsolver.options.bounds, criterion.tol = 1e-04, initgrid.nx = 20, initgrid.nu = 20, audit.nx = 2500, audit.nu = 25, audit.add = 100, audit.max = 25, audit.tol, rescale, point, point.eyeweight = FALSE, bootstraps = 0, bootstraps.m, bootstraps.replace = TRUE, levels = c(0.99, 0.95, 0.9), ci.type = "backward", specification.test = TRUE, noisy = FALSE, smallreturnlist = FALSE, debug = FALSE )
ivmte( data, target, late.from, late.to, late.X, genlate.lb, genlate.ub, target.weight0 = NULL, target.weight1 = NULL, target.knots0 = NULL, target.knots1 = NULL, m0, m1, uname = u, m1.ub, m0.ub, m1.lb, m0.lb, mte.ub, mte.lb, m0.dec, m0.inc, m1.dec, m1.inc, mte.dec, mte.inc, equal.coef, ivlike, components, subset, propensity, link = "logit", treat, outcome, solver, solver.options, solver.presolve, solver.options.criterion, solver.options.bounds, lpsolver, lpsolver.options, lpsolver.presolve, lpsolver.options.criterion, lpsolver.options.bounds, criterion.tol = 1e-04, initgrid.nx = 20, initgrid.nu = 20, audit.nx = 2500, audit.nu = 25, audit.add = 100, audit.max = 25, audit.tol, rescale, point, point.eyeweight = FALSE, bootstraps = 0, bootstraps.m, bootstraps.replace = TRUE, levels = c(0.99, 0.95, 0.9), ci.type = "backward", specification.test = TRUE, noisy = FALSE, smallreturnlist = FALSE, debug = FALSE )
data |
target |
character, target parameter to be estimated. The
function allows for ATE ( |
late.from |
a named vector or a list declaring the baseline values of Z used to define the LATE. The name associated with each value should be the name of the corresponding variable. |
late.to |
a named vector or a list declaring the comparison set of values of Z used to define the LATE. The name associated with each value should be the name of the corresponding variable. |
late.X |
a named vector or a list declaring the values to condition on. The name associated with each value should be the name of the corresponding variable. |
genlate.lb |
lower bound value of unobservable |
genlate.ub |
upper bound value of unobservable |
target.weight0 |
user-defined weight function for the control
group defining the target parameter. A list of functions can be
submitted if the weighting function is in fact a spline. The
arguments of the function should be variable names in
target.weight1 |
user-defined weight function for the treated
group defining the target parameter. See |
target.knots0 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with spline weights for the control group. The
arguments of the function should consist only of variable names
in |
target.knots1 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with spline weights for the treated group. See
m0 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the control group. Splines may also be
incorporated using the expression |
m1 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the treated group. See |
uname |
variable name for the unobservable used in declaring the MTRs. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
m1.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on MTR for the treated group. By default, this will be set to the largest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m0.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on MTR for the control group. By default, this will be set to the largest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m1.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on MTR for the treated group. By default, this will be set to the smallest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m0.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on MTR for the control group. By default, this will be set to the smallest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
mte.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on treatment effect parameter of interest. |
mte.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on treatment effect parameter of interest. |
m0.dec |
logical, set to |
m0.inc |
logical, set to |
m1.dec |
logical, set to |
m1.inc |
logical, set to |
mte.dec |
logical, set to |
mte.inc |
logical, set to |
equal.coef |
one-sided formula to indicate which terms in
ivlike |
formula or vector of formulas specifying the
regressions for the IV-like estimands. Which coefficients to
use to define the constraints determining the treatment effect
bounds (alternatively, the moments determining the treatment
effect point estimate) can be selected in the argument
components |
a list of vectors of the terms in the regression
specifications to include in the set of IV-like estimands. No
terms should be in quotes. To select the intercept term,
include the name |
subset |
a single subset condition or list of subset
conditions corresponding to each regression specified in
propensity |
formula or variable name corresponding to
propensity to take up treatment. If a formula is declared, then
the function estimates the propensity score according to the
formula and link specified in |
link |
character, name of link function to estimate propensity
score. Can be chosen from |
treat |
variable name for treatment indicator. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
outcome |
variable name for outcome variable. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
solver |
character, name of the programming package in R used
to obtain the bounds on the treatment effect. The function
supports |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. |
solver.presolve |
boolean, default set to |
solver.options.criterion |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. These options are specific for finding the minimum criterion. |
solver.options.bounds |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. These options are specific for finding the bounds. |
lpsolver |
character, deprecated argument for |
lpsolver.options |
list, deprecated argument for
lpsolver.presolve |
boolean, deprecated argument for
lpsolver.options.criterion |
list, deprecated argument for
lpsolver.options.bounds |
list, deprecated argument for
criterion.tol |
tolerance for the criterion function, and is
set to 1e-4 by default. The criterion measures how well the
IV-like moments/conditional means are matched using the
l1-norm. Statistical noise may prohibit the theoretical LP/QCQP
problem from being feasible. That is, there may not exist a set
of MTR coefficients that are able to match all the specified
moments. The function thus first estimates the minimum
criterion, which is reported in the output under the name
'minimum criterion', with a criterion of 0 meaning that all
moments were able to be matched. The function then relaxes the
constraints by tolerating a criterion up to |
initgrid.nx |
integer determining the number of points of the covariates used to form the initial constraint grid for imposing shape restrictions on the MTRs. |
initgrid.nu |
integer determining the number of points in the
open interval (0, 1) drawn from a Halton sequence. The end
points 0 and 1 are additionally included. These points are
always a subset of the points defining the audit grid (see
audit.nx |
integer determining the number of points on the covariates space to audit in each iteration of the audit procedure. |
audit.nu |
integer determining the number of points in the
open interval (0, 1) drawn from a Halton sequence. The end
points 0 and 1 are additionally included. These points are used
to audit whether the shape restrictions on the |
audit.add |
maximum number of points to add to the initial
constraint grid for imposing each kind of shape constraint. For
example, if there are 5 different kinds of shape constraints,
there can be at most |
audit.max |
maximum number of iterations in the audit procedure. |
audit.tol |
feasibility tolerance when performing the
audit. By default to set to be 1e-06, which is equal to the
default feasibility tolerances of Gurobi ( |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
point |
boolean. Set to |
point.eyeweight |
boolean, default set to |
bootstraps |
integer, default set to 0. This determines the number of bootstraps used to perform statistical inference. |
bootstraps.m |
integer, default set to size of data
set. Determines the size of the subsample drawn from the
original data set when performing inference via the
bootstrap. This option applies only to the case of constructing
confidence intervals for treatment effect bounds, i.e. it does
not apply when |
bootstraps.replace |
boolean, default set to |
levels |
vector of real numbers between 0 and 1. Values correspond to the level of the confidence intervals constructed via bootstrap. |
ci.type |
character, default set to |
specification.test |
boolean, default set to
noisy |
boolean, default set to |
smallreturnlist |
boolean, default set to |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
provide output when obtaining bounds. The option is only
applied when |
When the function is used to estimate bounds, and statistical inference is not performed, the function returns the following objects.
the number of audits required until there were no more violations; or the number of audits performed before the audit procedure was terminated.
the minimum criterion.
a list containing the points used to define the audit grid, as well as a table of points where the shape constraints were violated.
a vector with the estimated lower and upper bounds of the target treatment effect.
a list containing all the model specifications and call options generating the results.
a list containing the estimate of the weighted means
for each component in the MTRs. The weights are determined by the
target parameter declared in target
, or the weights defined
by target.weight1
, target.knots1
, target.knots0
a list containing the coefficients on the treated and control group MTRs.
a list containing the target weights used to
estimate gstar
a list containing the LP/QCQP model, and the full output from solving the problem.
the solver used in estimation.
the number of elements in the S-set used to generate achieve (partial) identification.
the propensity score model. If a variable is fed
to the propensity
argument when calling ivmte
, then
the returned object is a list containing the name of variable given
by the user, and the values of that variable used in estimation.
a list of all the coefficient estimates and weights corresponding to each element in the S-set.
a list including the specifications of each spline declared in each MTR.
a vector of character strings logging the output of the estimation procedure.
If bootstraps
is greater than 0, then statistical inference
will be performed and the output will additionally contain the
following objects.
the number of bootstraps.
the number of bootstraps that failed (e.g. due to collinearity) and had to be repeated.
the estimates of the bounds from every bootstrap draw.
forward and/or backward confidence intervals for
the bound estimates at the levels specified in levels
bootstrap standard errors on the lower and upper bound estimates.
p-value for the estimated bounds. p-values are constructed by finding the level at which the confidence interval no longer contains 0.
confidence interval for coefficient estimates of the propensity score model.
standard errors for the coefficient estimates of the propensity score model.
p-value from a specification test. The specification test is only performed if the minimum criterion is not 0.
If point = TRUE
and bootstraps = 0
, then point
estimation is performed using two-step GMM. The output will contain
the following objects.
test statistic and results from the asymptotic J-test.
a vector. Each element is the GMM criterion for each moment condition used in estimation.
coefficient estimates for the MTRs.
point estimate of the treatment effect.
indexes for the moment conditions (i.e. elements in the S set) that were linearly independent and could be dropped.
If point = TRUE
and bootstraps
is not 0, then
point estimation is performed using two-step GMM, and additional
statistical inference is performed using the bootstrap samples.
The output will contain the following additional objects.
the number of bootstraps.
the number of bootstraps that failed (e.g. due to collinearity) and had to be repeated.
test statistic and result from the J-test performed using the bootstrap samples.
J-test statistic from each bootstrap.
coefficient estimates for the MTRs from each bootstrap sample. These are used to construct the confidence intervals and standard errors for the MTR coefficients.
confidence intervals for each MTR coefficient.
standard errors for each MTR coefficient estimate.
p-value for the treatment effect point estimate estimated using the bootstrap.
treatment effect point estimate from each bootstrap sample. These are used to construct the confidence interval, standard error, and p-value for the treatment effect.
confidence interval for the treatment effect.
standard error for the treatment effect estimate.
confidence interval for the coefficients in the propensity score model, constructed using the bootstrap.
standard errors for the coefficient estimates of the propensity score model.
Returns a list of results from throughout the estimation procedure. This includes all IV-like estimands; the propensity score model; bounds on the treatment effect; the estimated expectations of each term in the MTRs; the components and results of the LP/QCQP problem.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ivlikespecs <- c(ey ~ d | z, ey ~ d | factor(z), ey ~ d, ey ~ d | factor(z)) jvec <- l(d, d, d, d) svec <- l(, , , z %in% c(2, 4)) ivmte(ivlike = ivlikespecs, data = dtm, components = jvec, propensity = d ~ z, subset = svec, m0 = ~ u + I(u ^ 2), m1 = ~ u + I(u ^ 2), uname = u, target = "att", m0.dec = TRUE, m1.dec = TRUE, bootstraps = 0, solver = "lpSolveAPI")
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ivlikespecs <- c(ey ~ d | z, ey ~ d | factor(z), ey ~ d, ey ~ d | factor(z)) jvec <- l(d, d, d, d) svec <- l(, , , z %in% c(2, 4)) ivmte(ivlike = ivlikespecs, data = dtm, components = jvec, propensity = d ~ z, subset = svec, m0 = ~ u + I(u ^ 2), m1 = ~ u + I(u ^ 2), uname = u, target = "att", m0.dec = TRUE, m1.dec = TRUE, bootstraps = 0, solver = "lpSolveAPI")
This function estimates the treatment effect parameters, following
the procedure described in Mogstad, Santos and Torgovitsky (2018)
(doi:10.3982/ECTA15463). A detailed description of the module and
its features can be found in
and Torgovitsky (2021). However, this is not the main function of
the module. See ivmte
for the main function. For
examples of how to use the package, see the vignette, which is
available on the module's
GitHub page.
ivmteEstimate( data, target, late.Z, late.from, late.to, late.X, eval.X, genlate.lb, genlate.ub, target.weight0, target.weight1, target.knots0 = NULL, target.knots1 = NULL, m0, m1, uname = u, m1.ub, m0.ub, m1.lb, m0.lb, mte.ub, mte.lb, m0.dec, m0.inc, m1.dec, m1.inc, mte.dec, mte.inc, equal.coef, ivlike, components, subset, propensity, link = "logit", treat, solver, solver.options, solver.presolve, solver.options.criterion, solver.options.bounds, criterion.tol = 0.01, initgrid.nx = 20, initgrid.nu = 20, audit.nx = 2500, audit.nu = 25, audit.add = 100, audit.max = 25, audit.tol, audit.grid = NULL, rescale = TRUE, point = FALSE, point.eyeweight = FALSE, point.center = NULL, point.redundant = NULL, bootstrap = FALSE, count.moments = TRUE, orig.sset = NULL, orig.criterion = NULL, vars_y, vars_mtr, terms_mtr0, terms_mtr1, vars_data, splinesobj, splinesobj.equal, noisy = TRUE, smallreturnlist = FALSE, debug = FALSE, environments )
ivmteEstimate( data, target, late.Z, late.from, late.to, late.X, eval.X, genlate.lb, genlate.ub, target.weight0, target.weight1, target.knots0 = NULL, target.knots1 = NULL, m0, m1, uname = u, m1.ub, m0.ub, m1.lb, m0.lb, mte.ub, mte.lb, m0.dec, m0.inc, m1.dec, m1.inc, mte.dec, mte.inc, equal.coef, ivlike, components, subset, propensity, link = "logit", treat, solver, solver.options, solver.presolve, solver.options.criterion, solver.options.bounds, criterion.tol = 0.01, initgrid.nx = 20, initgrid.nu = 20, audit.nx = 2500, audit.nu = 25, audit.add = 100, audit.max = 25, audit.tol, audit.grid = NULL, rescale = TRUE, point = FALSE, point.eyeweight = FALSE, point.center = NULL, point.redundant = NULL, bootstrap = FALSE, count.moments = TRUE, orig.sset = NULL, orig.criterion = NULL, vars_y, vars_mtr, terms_mtr0, terms_mtr1, vars_data, splinesobj, splinesobj.equal, noisy = TRUE, smallreturnlist = FALSE, debug = FALSE, environments )
data |
target |
character, target parameter to be estimated. The
function allows for ATE ( |
late.Z |
vector of variable names used to define the LATE. |
late.from |
baseline set of values of Z used to define the LATE. |
late.to |
comparison set of values of Z used to define the LATE. |
late.X |
vector of variable names of covariates to condition on when defining the LATE. |
eval.X |
numeric vector of the values to condition variables
in |
genlate.lb |
lower bound value of unobservable |
genlate.ub |
upper bound value of unobservable |
target.weight0 |
user-defined weight function for the control
group defining the target parameter. A list of functions can be
submitted if the weighting function is in fact a spline. The
arguments of the function should be variable names in
target.weight1 |
user-defined weight function for the treated
group defining the target parameter. See |
target.knots0 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with spline weights for the control group. The
arguments of the function should consist only of variable names
in |
target.knots1 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with spline weights for the treated group. See
m0 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the control group. Splines may also be
incorporated using the expression |
m1 |
one-sided formula for the marginal treatment response
function for the treated group. See |
uname |
variable name for the unobservable used in declaring the MTRs. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
m1.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on MTR for the treated group. By default, this will be set to the largest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m0.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on MTR for the control group. By default, this will be set to the largest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m1.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on MTR for the treated group. By default, this will be set to the smallest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
m0.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on MTR for the control group. By default, this will be set to the smallest value of the observed outcome in the estimation sample. |
mte.ub |
numeric value for upper bound on treatment effect parameter of interest. |
mte.lb |
numeric value for lower bound on treatment effect parameter of interest. |
m0.dec |
logical, set to |
m0.inc |
logical, set to |
m1.dec |
logical, set to |
m1.inc |
logical, set to |
mte.dec |
logical, set to |
mte.inc |
logical, set to |
equal.coef |
one-sided formula to indicate which terms in
ivlike |
formula or vector of formulas specifying the
regressions for the IV-like estimands. Which coefficients to
use to define the constraints determining the treatment effect
bounds (alternatively, the moments determining the treatment
effect point estimate) can be selected in the argument
components |
a list of vectors of the terms in the regression
specifications to include in the set of IV-like estimands. No
terms should be in quotes. To select the intercept term,
include the name |
subset |
a single subset condition or list of subset
conditions corresponding to each regression specified in
propensity |
formula or variable name corresponding to
propensity to take up treatment. If a formula is declared, then
the function estimates the propensity score according to the
formula and link specified in |
link |
character, name of link function to estimate propensity
score. Can be chosen from |
treat |
variable name for treatment indicator. The name can be provided with or without quotation marks. |
solver |
character, name of the programming package in R used
to obtain the bounds on the treatment effect. The function
supports |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. |
solver.presolve |
boolean, default set to |
solver.options.criterion |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. These options are specific for finding the minimum criterion. |
solver.options.bounds |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the solver selected. These options are specific for finding the bounds. |
criterion.tol |
tolerance for the criterion function, and is
set to 1e-4 by default. The criterion measures how well the
IV-like moments/conditional means are matched using the
l1-norm. Statistical noise may prohibit the theoretical LP/QCQP
problem from being feasible. That is, there may not exist a set
of MTR coefficients that are able to match all the specified
moments. The function thus first estimates the minimum
criterion, which is reported in the output under the name
'minimum criterion', with a criterion of 0 meaning that all
moments were able to be matched. The function then relaxes the
constraints by tolerating a criterion up to |
initgrid.nx |
integer determining the number of points of the covariates used to form the initial constraint grid for imposing shape restrictions on the MTRs. |
initgrid.nu |
integer determining the number of points in the
open interval (0, 1) drawn from a Halton sequence. The end
points 0 and 1 are additionally included. These points are
always a subset of the points defining the audit grid (see
audit.nx |
integer determining the number of points on the covariates space to audit in each iteration of the audit procedure. |
audit.nu |
integer determining the number of points in the
open interval (0, 1) drawn from a Halton sequence. The end
points 0 and 1 are additionally included. These points are used
to audit whether the shape restrictions on the |
audit.add |
maximum number of points to add to the initial
constraint grid for imposing each kind of shape constraint. For
example, if there are 5 different kinds of shape constraints,
there can be at most |
audit.max |
maximum number of iterations in the audit procedure. |
audit.tol |
feasibility tolerance when performing the
audit. By default to set to be 1e-06, which is equal to the
default feasibility tolerances of Gurobi ( |
audit.grid |
list, contains the |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
point |
boolean. Set to |
point.eyeweight |
boolean, default set to |
point.center |
numeric, a vector of GMM moment conditions evaluated at a solution. When bootstrapping, the moment conditions from the original sample can be passed through this argument to recenter the bootstrap distribution of the J-statistic. |
point.redundant |
vector of integers indicating which components in the S-set are redundant. |
bootstrap |
boolean, indicates whether the estimate is for the bootstrap. |
count.moments |
boolean, indicate if number of linearly independent moments should be counted. |
orig.sset |
list, only used for bootstraps. The list contains the gamma moments for each element in the S-set, as well as the IV-like coefficients. |
orig.criterion |
numeric, only used for bootstraps. The scalar corresponds to the minimum observational equivalence criterion from the original sample. |
vars_y |
character, variable name of observed outcome variable. |
vars_mtr |
character, vector of variables entering into
terms_mtr0 |
character, vector of terms entering into
terms_mtr1 |
character, vector of terms entering into
vars_data |
character, vector of variables that can be found in the data. |
splinesobj |
list of spline components in the MTRs for treated
and control groups. Spline terms are extracted using
splinesobj.equal |
list of spline components in the MTRs for
treated and control groups. The structure of
noisy |
boolean, default set to |
smallreturnlist |
boolean, default set to |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
provide output when obtaining bounds. The option is only
applied when |
environments |
a list containing the environments of the MTR formulas, the IV-like formulas, and the propensity score formulas. If a formula is not provided, and thus no environment can be found, then the parent.frame() is assigned by default. |
The treatment effects parameters the user can choose from are the ATE, ATT, ATU, LATE, and generalized LATE. The user is required to provide a polynomial expression for the marginal treatment responses (MTR), as well as a set of regressions.
There are two approaches to estimating the treatment effect
parameters. The first approach restricts the set of MTR
coefficients on each term of the MTRs to be consistent with the
regression estimates from the specifications passed through
. The bounds on the treatment effect parameter
correspond to finding coefficients on the MTRs that maximize their
average difference. If the model is point identified, then GMM is
used for estimation. Otherwise, the function solves an LP
problem. The second approach restricts the set of MTR coefficients
to fit the conditional mean of the outcome variable. If the model
is point identified, then constrained least squares is used for
estimation. Otherwise, the function solves a QCQP.
The estimation procedure relies on the propensity to take up treatment. The propensity scores can either be estimated as part of the estimation procedure, or the user can specify a variable in the data set already containing the propensity scores.
Constraints on the shape of the MTRs and marginal treatment effects (MTE) can be imposed by the user. Specifically, bounds and monotonicity restrictions are permitted. These constraints are first enforced over a subset of points in the data. An iterative audit procedure is then performed to ensure the constraints hold more generally.
Returns a list of results from throughout the estimation procedure. This includes all IV-like estimands; the propensity score model; bounds on the treatment effect; the estimated expectations of each term in the MTRs; the components and results of the LP/QCQP problem.
ivmte Simulated Data
A data frame with 5,000 rows and 14 columns.
binary outcome variable
binary treatment variable
instrument that takes the value 0, 1, 2, or 3
covariate x that takes integer values from 1 to 10
Simulated — see code in data/ivmteSimData.R.
This function allows the user to declare a list of variable names
in non-character form and subsetting conditions. This is used to
ensure clean entry of arguments into the components
arguments of the function. When selecting components
to include in the S set, selecting the intercept term and factor
variables requires special treatment. To select the intercept term,
include in the vector of variable names, ‘intercept’. If the the
factorized counterpart of a variable x = 1, 2, 3
is included
in the IV-like specifications via factor(x)
, the user can
select the coefficients for specific factors by declaring the
components factor(x)-1, factor(x)-2, factor(x)-3
... |
subset conditions or variable names |
components <- l(d, x1, intercept, factor(x)-2) subsets <- l(, z %in% c(2, 4))
components <- l(d, x1, intercept, factor(x)-2) subsets <- l(, z %in% c(2, 4))
If the user passes IV-like moments to the function, then the
function constructs the components of the LP problem. If no IV-like
moments are passed, then the function constructs the linear
constraints of the QCQP problem. Note that the LP/QCQP model will
be saved inside an environment variable, which is to be passed
through the argument env
. This is done for efficient use of
memory. The environment env
is supposed to already contain a
list under the entry $mbobj
containing the matrices defining
the shape constraints. This list of shape constraints $mbobj
should contain three entries corresponding to a system of linear
equations of the form Ax <=> b
: mbA
, the matrix
defining the constraints, A
; mbs
, a vector indicating
whether a row in mbA
is an equality or inequality constraint
(for Gurobi and MOSEK, use '<=', '>=', '='; for CPLEX,
use 'L', 'G', and 'E'); mbrhs
, a vector of the right hand
side values defining the constraint of the form i.e. the vector
. Depending on the linear programming solver used, this
function will return different output specific to the solver.
lpSetup( env, sset, orig.sset = NULL, equal.coef0 = NULL, equal.coef1 = NULL, shape = TRUE, direct = FALSE, rescale = TRUE, solver )
lpSetup( env, sset, orig.sset = NULL, equal.coef0 = NULL, equal.coef1 = NULL, shape = TRUE, direct = FALSE, rescale = TRUE, solver )
env |
environment containing the matrices defining the LP/QCQP problem. |
sset |
List of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma terms. |
orig.sset |
list, only used for bootstraps. The list contains the gamma moments for each element in the S-set, as well as the IV-like coefficients. |
equal.coef0 |
character, name of terms in |
equal.coef1 |
character, name of terms in |
shape |
boolean, default set to TRUE. Switch to determine whether or not to include shape restrictions in the LP/QCQP problem. |
direct |
boolean, set to |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
solver |
string, name of the package used to solve the LP/QCQP problem. |
A list of matrices and vectors necessary to define an LP/QCQP problem.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula0 = ~ 1 + u formula1 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = TRUE) ## Only the entry $sset is required sSet <- sSet$sset ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP ## problem. The code below imposes a lower bound of 0.2 and upper ## bound of 0.8 on the MTRs. A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4) A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)), matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2))) A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2), cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)))) sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11)) rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11)) ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment. modelEnv <- new.env() modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A, mbs = sense, mbrhs = rhs) ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format ## that is suitable for the LP solver. lpSetup(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Setup LP model so that it is solving for the bounds. lpSetupBound(env = modelEnv, g0 = targetGamma$gstar0, g1 = targetGamma$gstar1, sset = sSet, criterion.tol = 0, criterion.min = 0, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Declare any LP solver options as a list. lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight")) ## Obtain the bounds. bounds <- bound(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi", solver.options = lpOptions) cat("The bounds are [", bounds$min, ",", bounds$max, "].\n")
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like ## specifications are provided sSet <- list() ## Declare MTR formulas formula0 = ~ 1 + u formula1 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'. splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1)) ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) ## Generate propensity score model propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Generate IV estimates ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z, data = dtm, components = l(intercept, d), treat = d, list = FALSE) ## Generate target gamma moments targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d", m0 = ~ 1 + u, m1 = ~ 1 + u, target = "atu", data = dtm, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1) ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm, sset = sSet, sest = ivEstimates, splinesobj = splinesList, pmodobj = propensityObj$phat, pm0 = polynomials0, pm1 = polynomials1, ncomponents = 2, scount = 1, yvar = "ey", dvar = "d", means = TRUE) ## Only the entry $sset is required sSet <- sSet$sset ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP ## problem. The code below imposes a lower bound of 0.2 and upper ## bound of 0.8 on the MTRs. A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4) A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)), matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2))) A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2), cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)))) sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11)) rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11)) ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment. modelEnv <- new.env() modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A, mbs = sense, mbrhs = rhs) ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format ## that is suitable for the LP solver. lpSetup(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Setup LP model so that it is solving for the bounds. lpSetupBound(env = modelEnv, g0 = targetGamma$gstar0, g1 = targetGamma$gstar1, sset = sSet, criterion.tol = 0, criterion.min = 0, solver = "lpsolveapi") ## Declare any LP solver options as a list. lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight")) ## Obtain the bounds. bounds <- bound(env = modelEnv, sset = sSet, solver = "lpsolveapi", solver.options = lpOptions) cat("The bounds are [", bounds$min, ",", bounds$max, "].\n")
This function sets up the LP model so that the bounds can be
obtained. The LP model must be passed as an environment variable,
under the entry $model
. See lpSetup
lpSetupBound( env, g0, g1, sset, criterion.tol, criterion.min, solver, setup = TRUE )
lpSetupBound( env, g0, g1, sset, criterion.tol, criterion.min, solver, setup = TRUE )
env |
the environment containing the LP model. |
g0 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group. |
g1 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group. |
sset |
a list containing the point estimates and gamma components associated with each element in the S-set. This object is only used to determine the names of terms. If it is no submitted, then no names are provided to the solution vector. |
criterion.tol |
additional multiplicative factor for how much
more the solution is permitted to violate observational
equivalence of the IV-like estimands, i.e. |
criterion.min |
minimum criterion, i.e. minimum deviation from observational equivalence while satisfying shape constraints. |
solver |
string, name of the package used to solve the LP problem. |
setup |
boolean. If |
Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save memory.
This function sets up the objective function for minimizing the
criterion. The LP model must be passed as an environment variable,
under the entry $model
. See lpSetup
lpSetupCriterion(env, sset)
lpSetupCriterion(env, sset)
env |
The LP environment |
sset |
List of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma terms. |
Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save memory.
This function re-centers various objects in the LP environment so
that a specification test can be performed via the bootstrap. The
LP model must be passed as an environment variable, under the entry
. See lpSetup
lpSetupCriterionBoot( env, sset, orig.sset, orig.criterion, criterion.tol = 0, setup = TRUE )
lpSetupCriterionBoot( env, sset, orig.sset, orig.criterion, criterion.tol = 0, setup = TRUE )
env |
the LP environment |
sset |
list of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma terms. |
orig.sset |
list, only used for bootstraps. The list caontains the gamma moments for each element in the S-set, as well as the IV-like coefficients. |
orig.criterion |
scalar, only used for bootstraps. This is the minimum criterion from the original sample. |
criterion.tol |
tolerance for violation of observational equivalence, set to 0 by default. |
setup |
boolean. If |
Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save memory.
This function generates the linear constraints to ensure that certain MTR coefficients are constant across the treatment and control group.
lpSetupEqualCoef(equal.coef0, equal.coef1, ANames)
lpSetupEqualCoef(equal.coef0, equal.coef1, ANames)
equal.coef0 |
character, name of terms in |
equal.coef1 |
character, name of terms in |
ANames |
character, name of all terms in |
A list, containing the matrix of linear equality constraints, a vector of equal signs, and a vector of 0s.
This function separates the shape constraints from the LP
environment. That way, the model can be solved without any shape
constraints, which is the primary cause of infeasibility. This is
done in order to check which shape constraints are causing the
model to be infeasible. The LP model must be passed as an
environment variable, under the entry $model
. See
lpSetupInfeasible(env, sset)
lpSetupInfeasible(env, sset)
env |
The LP environment |
sset |
List of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma terms. |
Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save memory.
This alters the LP environment so the model will be compatible with
specific solvers. The LP model must be passed as an environment
variable, under the entry $model
. See lpSetup
lpSetupSolver(env, solver)
lpSetupSolver(env, solver)
env |
The LP environment |
solver |
Character, the LP solver. |
Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save memory.
This function returns the order of magnitude of a a number.
x |
The number to be checked. |
An integer indicating the order of magnitude.
This function converts matrices into triplet form for Mosek. This is required in order to declare quadratic programming problems and second-order cone programming problems.
matrixTriplets(mat, lower = TRUE)
matrixTriplets(mat, lower = TRUE)
mat |
A matrix. |
lower |
Boolean, set to |
A list containing vectors of row and column indexes, and matrix values.
Function carries out integral for a polynomial of degree 3.
mInt(ub, lb, coef)
mInt(ub, lb, coef)
ub |
scalar, upper bound of the integral. |
lb |
scalar, lower bound of the integral. |
coef |
vector, polynomial coefficients. |
This function can be used to modify calls in several ways.
modcall(call, newcall, newargs, keepargs, dropargs)
modcall(call, newcall, newargs, keepargs, dropargs)
call |
Call object to be modified. |
newcall |
New function to be called. |
newargs |
List, new arguments and their values. |
keepargs |
List, arguments in original call to keep, with the rest being dropped. |
dropargs |
List, arguments in original call to drop, with the rest being kept. |
New call object.
This function constructs the matrix to be fed into the GMM estimator to construct the moment conditions.
momentMatrix(sset, gn0, gn1, subsetList = NULL, n = NULL)
momentMatrix(sset, gn0, gn1, subsetList = NULL, n = NULL)
sset |
a list of lists constructed from the function genSSet. Each inner list should include a coefficient corresponding to a term in an IV specification, a matrix of the estimates of the gamma moments conditional on (X, Z) for d = 0, and a matrix of the estimates of the gamma moments conditional on (X, Z) for d = 1. The column means of the last two matrices is what is used to generate the gamma moments. |
gn0 |
integer, number of terms in the MTR for control group. |
gn1 |
integer, number of terms in the MTR for treated group. |
subsetList |
list of subset indexes, one for each IV-like specification. |
n |
number of observations in the data. This option is only used when subsets are involved. |
matrix whose column means can be used to carry out the GMM estimation.
Analytically integrates monomials and evalates them at a given point. It is assumed that there is no constant multiplying the monomial.
monoIntegral(u, exp)
monoIntegral(u, exp)
u |
scalar, the point at which to evaluate the integral. If a vector is passed, then the integral is evaluated at all the elements of the vector. |
exp |
The exponent of the monomial. |
scalar or vector, depending on what u
This function checks whether the user-declared weights for treated and control groups are in fact negations of each other. This is problematic for the GMM procedure when accounting for estimation error of the target weights.
negationCheck( data, target.knots0, target.knots1, target.weight0, target.weight1, N = 20 )
negationCheck( data, target.knots0, target.knots1, target.weight0, target.weight1, N = 20 )
data |
data set used for estimation. The comparisons are made only on values in the support of the data set. |
target.knots0 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with splines weights for the control
group. The arguments of the function should consist only of
variable names in |
target.knots1 |
user-defined set of functions defining the
knots associated with splines weights for the treated
group. The arguments of the function should be variable names
in |
target.weight0 |
user-defined weight function for the control
group defining the target parameter. A list of functions can be
submitted if the weighting function is in fact a spline. The
arguments of the function should be variable names in
target.weight1 |
user-defined weight function for the treated
group defining the target parameter. A list of functions can be
submitted if the weighting function is in fact a spline. The
arguments of the function should be variable names in
N |
integer, default set to 20. This is the maxmimum number of
points between treated and control groups to compare and
determine whether or not the weights are indeed negations of
one another. If the data set contains fewer than |
boolean. If the weights are negations of each other,
is returned.
Function generating the S-weights for OLS estimand, with controls.
olsj(X, X0, X1, components, treat, order = NULL)
olsj(X, X0, X1, components, treat, order = NULL)
X |
Matrix of covariates, including the treatment indicator. |
X0 |
Matrix of covariates, once fixing treatment to be 0. |
X1 |
Matrix of covariates, once fixing treatment to be 1. |
components |
Vector of variable names of which user wants the S-weights for. |
treat |
Variable name for the treatment indicator. |
order |
integer, default set to |
A list of two vectors: one is the weight for D = 0, the other is the weight for D = 1.
This function constructs a list of options to be parsed when
is set to cplexapi
options |
list. The name of each item must be the name of the
function to set the option, and is case sensitive. The value
assigned to each item is the value to set the option to. The
list, each element being the command to evaluate to implement an option.
This function constructs a string to be parsed when solver
is set to cplexapi
optionsCplexAPISingle(name, vector)
optionsCplexAPISingle(name, vector)
name |
string, name of the |
vector |
a named vector, contains the argument names and
values of the options. The |
string, the command to be evaluated to implement a single option.
This function parses through the user-submitted CPLEX options to
determine what the feasibility tolerance is. This tolerance can
then be used for the audit. If the user does not set the CPLEX
feasibility tolerance, then a default value of 1e-06
options |
list, the set of options submitted by the user. |
scalar, the level to set the audit tolerance at.
This function constructs a list of options to be parsed when
is set to Gurobi
. This function really
implements some default values, and accounts for the debug
optionsGurobi(options, debug)
optionsGurobi(options, debug)
options |
list. The list should be structured the same way as
if one were using the |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should provide output when obtaining bounds. The output provided is the same as what the Gurobi API would send to the console. |
list, the set of options declared by the user, including
some additional default values (if not assigned by the user)
and accounting for debug
This function constructs a list of options to be parsed when
is set to lpsolveapi
. The options permitted
are those that can be set via lpSolveAPI::lp.control
, and
should be passed as a named list (e.g. list(epslevel =
options |
list. The name of each item must be the name of the
option, and is case sensitive. The value assigned to each item
is the value to set the option to. The |
string, the command to be evaluated to implement the options.
This function constructs a list of options to be parsed when
is set to Rmosek
. This function really
implements the default feasibility tolerances.
optionsRmosek(options, debug)
optionsRmosek(options, debug)
options |
list. Each set of options should be passed as a
list, with the name of each entry being the name of the class
of options. For example, options for double parameters should
be contained in the entry |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should provide output when obtaining bounds. The output provided is the same as what Mosek would send to the console. |
list, the set of options declared by the user, including some additional default values.
This function takes a vector of terms and places parentheses around boolean expressions.
termsList |
character vector, the vector of terms. |
character vector.
This function generates every permutation of the elements in a vector.
vector |
The vector whose elements are to be permuted. |
a list of all the permutations of vector
This function generates every permutation of the first n natural numbers.
n |
integer, the first n natural numbers one wishes to permute. |
a list of all the permutations of the first n natural numbers.
This function performs TSLS to obtain the estimates for the IV-like estimands.
piv( Y, X, Z, lmcomponents = NULL, weights = NULL, order = NULL, excluded = TRUE )
piv( Y, X, Z, lmcomponents = NULL, weights = NULL, order = NULL, excluded = TRUE )
Y |
the vector of outcomes. |
X |
the matrix of covariates (includes endogenous and exogenous covariates). |
Z |
the matrix of instruments (includes exogenous covariates in the second stage). |
lmcomponents |
vector of variable names from the second stage
that we want to include in the S-set of IV-like estimands. If
weights |
vector of weights. |
order |
integer, the counter for which IV-like specification and component the regression is for. |
excluded |
boolean, to indicate whether or not the regression involves excluded variables. |
vector of select coefficient estimates.
This function takes in an MTR formula, and then parses the formula
such that it becomes a polynomial in the unobservable u
. It
then breaks these polynomials into monomials, and then integrates
each of them with respect to u
. Each integral corresponds to
E[md | D, X, Z].
polyparse( formula, data, uname = "u", env = parent.frame(), as.function = FALSE )
polyparse( formula, data, uname = "u", env = parent.frame(), as.function = FALSE )
formula |
the MTR. |
data |
uname |
variable name for unobservable used in declaring the MTR. |
env |
environment, the original environment in which the formula was declared. |
as.function |
boolean, if |
A list (of lists) of monomials corresponding to the
original MTR (for each observation); a list (of lists) of the
integrated monomials; a vector for the degree of each of the
original monomials in the MTR; and a vector for the names of
each variable entering into the MTR (note x^2 + x
only one term, x
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare MTR functions formula1 = ~ 1 + u formula0 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE)
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declare MTR functions formula1 = ~ 1 + u formula0 = ~ 1 + u ## Construct MTR polynomials polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE) polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula0, data = dtm, uname = u, as.function = FALSE)
This function takes in two vectors characterizing polynomials. It then returns a vector characterizing the product of the two polynomials.
polyProduct(poly1, poly2)
polyProduct(poly1, poly2)
poly1 |
vector, characerizing a polynomial. |
poly2 |
vector, characerizing a polynomial. |
vector, characterizing the product of the two polynomials
characterized poly1
and poly2
Given a distribution, this function calculates the population mean for each term in a formula.
popmean(formula, distribution, density = "f")
popmean(formula, distribution, density = "f")
formula |
formula, each term of which will have its mean calculated. |
distribution |
data.table, characterizing the distribution of
the variables entering into |
density |
string, name of the variable |
vector, the means for each term in formula
This function uses the print method on the ivmte return list.
## S3 method for class 'ivmte' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ivmte' print(x, ...)
x |
an object returned from ' |
... |
additional arguments. |
basic set of results.
This function estimates the propensity of taking up treatment. The
user can choose from fitting a linear probability model, a logit
model, or a probit model. The function can also be used to generate
a table of propensity scores for a given set of covariates and
excluded variables. This was incorporated to account for the LATE
being a target parameter. Specifically, if the argument
is the name of a variable in data
, but the
target parameter is not the LATE, then no propensity model is
returned. If the target parameter is the LATE, then then the
propensity model is simply the empirical distribution of propensity
scores in the data conditioned on the set of covariates declared in
and late.Z
propensity(formula, data, link = "logit", late.Z, late.X, env = parent.frame())
propensity(formula, data, link = "logit", late.Z, late.X, env = parent.frame())
formula |
Formula characterizing probability model. If a
variable in the data already contains the propensity scores,
input the variable as a one-sided formula. For example, if the
variable |
data |
link |
Link function with which to estimate probability model. Can be chosen from "linear", "logit", or "probit". |
late.Z |
A vector of variable names of excluded variables. This is required when the target parameter is the LATE. |
late.X |
A vector of variable names of non-excluded variables. This is required when the target parameter is the LATE, and the estimation procedure will condition on these variables. |
env |
environment, the environment for the original propensity score formula. |
A vector of propensity scores for each observation, as well
as a 'model'. If the user inputs a formula characterizing the
model for taking up treatment, then the lm
object is returned. If the user declares a variable in the data
set to be used as the propensity score, then a
containing the propensity score for each
value of the covariates in the probability model is returned.
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declaring a probability model. propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Declaring a variable to be used instead propensity(formula = ~ pz, data = dtm, link = "linear")
dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito() ## Declaring a probability model. propensity(formula = d ~ z, data = dtm, link = "linear") ## Declaring a variable to be used instead propensity(formula = ~ pz, data = dtm, link = "linear")
This function is only used when the direct MTR regression procedure is used. This function simply constructs the quadratic constraint, and adds it to the LP problem defined by the linear optimization problem for the bounds and the linear shape constraints.
qpSetup(env, sset, rescale = TRUE)
qpSetup(env, sset, rescale = TRUE)
env |
environment containing the matrices defining the LP problem. |
sset |
A list containing the covariats and outcome variable for the direct MTR regression. |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
This function is only used when the direct MTR regression procedure is used. This function simply constructs the quadratic constraint, and adds it to the LP problem defined by the linear optimization problem for the bounds and the linear shape constraints.
qpSetupBound( env, g0, g1, criterion.tol, criterion.min, rescale = FALSE, setup = TRUE )
qpSetupBound( env, g0, g1, criterion.tol, criterion.min, rescale = FALSE, setup = TRUE )
env |
environment containing the matrices defining the LP problem. |
g0 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group. |
g1 |
set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the control group. |
criterion.tol |
non-negative scalar, determines how much the quadratic constraint should be relaxed by. If set to 0, the constraint is not relaxed at all. |
criterion.min |
minimum of (SSR - SSY) of a linear regression with shape constraints. |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
setup |
boolean, set to |
A list of matrices and vectors necessary to define an LP problem for Gurobi or MOSEK.
This function sets up the objective function for minimizing the
criterion. The QCQP model must be passed as an environment variable,
under the entry $model
. See qpSetup
env |
The LP environment |
Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save memory.
This function separates the shape constraints from the QP
environment. That way, the model can be solved without any shape
constraints, which is the primary cause of infeasibility. This is
done in order to check which shape constraints are causing the
model to be infeasible. The QP model must be passed as an
environment variable, under the entry $model
. See
qpSetupInfeasible(env, rescale)
qpSetupInfeasible(env, rescale)
env |
The LP environment |
rescale |
boolean, set to |
Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save memory.
This function separates out the function calls uSpline()
potentially embedded in the MTR formulas from the
rest of the formula. The terms involving splines are treated
separately from the terms that do not involve splines when creating
the gamma moments.
removeSplines(formula, env = parent.frame())
removeSplines(formula, env = parent.frame())
formula |
the formula that is to be parsed. |
env |
environment in which to formulas. This is necessary as
splines may be declared using objects, e.g. |
a list containing two objects. One object is formula
but with the spline components removed. The second object is a
list. The name of each element is the
command, and the elements
are a vector of the names of covariates that were interacted
with the uSpline()
## Declare and MTR with a sline component. m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + uSpline(degree = 3, knots = c(0.2, 0.4), intercept = FALSE) ## Now separate the spline component from the non-spline component removeSplines(m0)
## Declare and MTR with a sline component. m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + uSpline(degree = 3, knots = c(0.2, 0.4), intercept = FALSE) ## Now separate the spline component from the non-spline component removeSplines(m0)
This function rescales the matrix of covariates used in the direct regression to improve the conditioning number and the stability of the estimation procedure.
rescaleX(sset, dVec, drY, drN)
rescaleX(sset, dVec, drY, drN)
sset |
a list of lists constructed from the function genSSet. In the case of a direct regression, 'sset' contains only one inner list. This list contains the gamma moment at the individual level. |
dVec |
Vector of treatment statuses from the data. |
drY |
Vector of outcomes from the data. |
drN |
Scalar, number of observations in the data. |
List of rescaled covariates.
Auxiliary function that converts an expression of variable names into a vector of strings.
restring(vector, substitute = TRUE, command = "c")
restring(vector, substitute = TRUE, command = "c")
vector |
An expression of a list of variable names. |
substitute |
Boolean option of whether or not we wish to use
the |
command |
character, the name of the function defining the vector or list, e.g. "c", "list", "l". This let's the function determine how many characters in front to remove. |
A vector of variable names (strings).
a <- 4 b <- 5 ivmte:::restring(c(a, b), substitute = TRUE) ivmte:::restring(c(a, b), substitute = FALSE)
a <- 4 b <- 5 ivmte:::restring(c(a, b), substitute = TRUE) ivmte:::restring(c(a, b), substitute = FALSE)
This function generates a one dimensional Halton sequence.
rhalton(n, base = 2)
rhalton(n, base = 2)
n |
Number of draws. |
base |
Base used for the Halton sequence, set to 2 by default. |
A sequence of randomly drawn numbers.
This function solves the LP problem using the cplexAPI package. The
object generated by lpSetup
is not compatible with
the cplexAPI
functions. This function adapts the object to
solve the LP problem. See runGurobi
for additional
error code labels.
runCplexAPI(model, lpdir, solver.options)
runCplexAPI(model, lpdir, solver.options)
model |
list of matrices and vectors defining the linear programming problem. |
lpdir |
input either CPX_MAX or CPX_MIN, which sets the LP problem as a maximization or minimization problem. |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected. |
a list of the output from CPLEX. This includes the
objective value, the solution vector, and the optimization
status (status of 1
indicates successful optimization).
This function solves the LP/QCQP problem using the Gurobi package. The
object generated by lpSetup
is compatible with the
function. See runCplexAPI
additional error code labels.
runGurobi(model, solver.options)
runGurobi(model, solver.options)
model |
list of matrices and vectors defining the linear programming problem. |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected. |
a list of the output from Gurobi. This includes the
objective value, the solution vector, and the optimization
status (status of 1
indicates successful optimization) .
This function solves the LP problem using the lpSolveAPI
package. The object generated by lpSetup
is not
compatible with the lpSolveAPI
functions. This function
adapts the object to solve the LP problem. See
and runCplexAPI
additional error code labels.
runLpSolveAPI(model, modelsense, solver.options)
runLpSolveAPI(model, modelsense, solver.options)
model |
list of matrices and vectors defining the linear programming problem. |
modelsense |
input either 'max' or 'min' which sets the LP problem as a maximization or minimization problem. |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected. |
a list of the output from lpSolveAPI
. This includes
the objective value, the solution vector, and the optimization
status (status of 1
indicates successful optimization).
This function solves the LP/QCQP problem using the Rmosek
package. The object generated by lpSetup
is not
compatible with the Rmosek
functions. This function
adapts the object to solve the LP problem. See
and runCplexAPI
additional error code labels.
runMosek(model, modelsense, solver.options, debug = FALSE)
runMosek(model, modelsense, solver.options, debug = FALSE)
model |
list of matrices and vectors defining the linear programming problem. |
modelsense |
input either 'max' or 'min' which sets the LP problem as a maximization or minimization problem. |
solver.options |
list, each item of the list should correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected. |
debug |
boolean, indicates whether or not the function should provide output when obtaining bounds. The output provided is the same as what the Mosek would send to the console. |
a list of the output from Rmosek
. This includes
the objective value, the solution vector, and the optimization
status (status of 1
indicates successful optimization).
This function selects which points from the audit grid should be included into the original grid. Both the constraint grid and audit grid are represented as constraints in an LP/QCQP problem. This function selects which points in the audit grid (i.e. which rows in the audit constraint matrix) should be added to the constraint grid (i.e. should be appended to the constraint matrix).
selectViolations( diffVec, audit.add, lb0seq, lb1seq, lbteseq, ub0seq, ub1seq, ubteseq, mono0seq, mono1seq, monoteseq, mbmap )
selectViolations( diffVec, audit.add, lb0seq, lb1seq, lbteseq, ub0seq, ub1seq, ubteseq, mono0seq, mono1seq, monoteseq, mbmap )
diffVec |
numeric vector, with a positive value indicating a violation of a shape constraint. |
audit.add |
integer, the number of points from the audit grid
to add to the initial for each constraint type. For instance, if
there are 5 different kinds of constraints imposed, and
lb0seq |
integer vector, indicates which rows in the audit constraint matrix correspond to the lower bound for m0. |
lb1seq |
integer vector, indicates which rows in the audit constraint matrix correspond to the lower bound for m1. |
lbteseq |
integer vector, indicates which rows in the audit constriant matrix correspond to the lower bound for the treatment effect. |
ub0seq |
integer vector, indicates which rows in the audit constraint matrix correspond to the upper bound for m0. |
ub1seq |
integer vector, indicates which rows in the audit constraint matrix correspond to the upper bound for m1. |
ubteseq |
integer vector, indicates which rows in the audit constriant matrix correspond to the upper bound for the treatment effect. |
mono0seq |
integer matrix, indicates which rows in the audit constraint matrix correspond to the monotonicity conditions for m0, and whether the constraint is increasing (+1) or decreasing (-1). |
mono1seq |
integer matrix, indicates which rows in the audit constraint matrix correspond to the monotonicity conditions for m1, and whether the constraint is increasing (+1) or decreasing (-1). |
monoteseq |
integer matrix, indicates which rows in the audit constraint matrix correspond to the monotonicity conditions for the treatment effect, and whether the constraint is increasing (+1) or decreasing (-1). |
mbmap |
integer vector, indexes the X-value associated with each row in the audit constraint matrix. |
The audit grid is represented using a set of constraint matrices. Each point in the audit grid corresponds to a set of rows in the constraint matrices. The function simply returns the vector of row numbers for the points from the audit grid whose corresponding constraints should be added to the original LP/QCQP problem (i.e. the points to add to the original grid).
IV-like weighting function for OLS specification 1.
sOls1d(d, exx)
sOls1d(d, exx)
d |
0 or 1, indicating treatment or control. |
exx |
the matrix E[XX'] |
IV-like weighting function for OLS specification 2.
sOls2d(x, d, exx)
sOls2d(x, d, exx)
x |
vector, the value of the covariates other than the intercept and the treatment indicator. |
d |
0 or 1, indicating treatment or control. |
exx |
the matrix E[XX'] |
IV-like weighting function for OLS specification 3.
sOls3(x, d, j, exx)
sOls3(x, d, j, exx)
x |
vector, the value of the covariates other than the intercept and the treatment indicator. |
d |
0 or 1, indicating treatment or control. |
j |
scalar, position of the component one is interested in constructing the IV-like weight for. |
exx |
the matrix E[XX'] |
IV-like weighting function for OLS specifications.
sOlsSplines(x = NULL, d, j, exx)
sOlsSplines(x = NULL, d, j, exx)
x |
vector, the value of the covariates other than the intercept and the treatment indicator. |
d |
0 or 1, indicating treatment or control. |
j |
scalar, position of the component one is interested in constructing the IV-like weight for. |
exx |
matrix corresponding to E[XX']. |
This function simply integrates the splines.
splineInt(ub, lb, knots, degree, intercept = FALSE)
splineInt(ub, lb, knots, degree, intercept = FALSE)
ub |
scalar, upperbound of integral. |
lb |
scalar, lowerbound of integral. |
knots |
vector, knots of the spline. |
degree |
scalar, degre of spline. |
intercept |
boolean, set to TRUE if spline basis should include a component so that the basis sums to 1. |
vector, each component being the integral of a basis.
This function evaluates the splines basis functions. Unlike the
in the splines2
package, this function
returns the value of a single spline basis, rather than a vector of
values for all the spline basis functions.
splinesBasis(x, knots, degree, intercept = TRUE, i, boundary.knots = c(0, 1))
splinesBasis(x, knots, degree, intercept = TRUE, i, boundary.knots = c(0, 1))
x |
vector, the values at which to evaluate the basis function. |
knots |
vector, the internal knots. |
degree |
integer, the degree of the splines. |
intercept |
boolean, default set to |
i |
integer, the basis component to be evaluated. |
boundary.knots |
vector, default is |
This function recursively constructs the higher order splines
basis. Note that the function does not take into consideration the
order of the final basis function. The dimensions of the inputs
dicate this, and are updated in each iteration of the
recursion. The recursion ends once the row number of argument
reaches 1. This function was coded in accordance to
Carl de Boor's set of notes on splines, "B(asic)-Spline Basics".
splineUpdate(x, bmat, knots, i, current.order)
splineUpdate(x, bmat, knots, i, current.order)
x |
vector, the values at which to evaluate the basis function. |
bmat |
matrix. Each column of |
knots |
vector, the internal knots. |
i |
integer, the basis component of interest. |
current.order |
integer, the current order associated with the
argument |
vector, the evaluation of the spline at each value in
vector x
This function returns the status code specific to a solver.
statusString(status, solver)
statusString(status, solver)
status |
Status code. |
solver |
Name of solver, either 'gurobi', 'cplexapi', or 'lpsolveapi'. |
Status specific to solver, e.g. 'OPTIMAL (2)'.
IV-like weighting function for TSLS specification.
sTsls(z, j, exz, pi)
sTsls(z, j, exz, pi)
z |
vector, the value of the instrument. |
j |
scalar, position of the component one is interested in constructing the IV-like weight for. |
exz |
the matrix E[XZ'] |
pi |
the matrix E[XZ']E[ZZ']^-1 |
IV-like weighting function for TSLS specification.
sTslsSplines(z, d, j, exz, pi)
sTslsSplines(z, d, j, exz, pi)
z |
vector, the value of the instrument. |
d |
0 or 1, indicating treatment or control (redundant in this function; included to exploit apply()). |
j |
scalar, position of the component one is interested in constructing the IV-like weight for. |
exz |
matrix, corresponds to E[XZ']. |
pi |
matrix, corresponds to E[XZ']E[ZZ']^-1, the first stage regression. |
Auxiliary function to remove extraneous spaces from strings.
string |
the string object to be cleaned. |
a string
This function uses the summary method on the ivmte return list.
## S3 method for class 'ivmte' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'ivmte' summary(object, ...)
object |
an object returned from ' |
... |
additional arguments. |
summarized results.
IV-like weighting function for OLS specification 2.
sWald(z, p.to, p.from, e.to, e.from)
sWald(z, p.to, p.from, e.to, e.from)
z |
vector, the value of the instrument. |
p.to |
P[Z = z'], where z' is value of the instrument the agent is switching to. |
p.from |
P[Z = z], where z is the value of the instrument the agent is switching from. |
e.to |
E[D | Z = z'], where z' is the value of the instrument the agent is switching to. |
e.from |
E[D | Z = z], where z is the value of the instrument the agent is switching from. |
Function takes in a vector of values, and constructs a symmetric matrix from it. Diagonals must be included. The length of the vector must also be consistent with the number of "unique" entries in the symmetric matrix. Note that entries are filled in along the columns (i.e. equivalent to byrow = FALSE).
values |
vector, the values that enter into the symmetric matrix. Dimensions will be determined automatically. |
Function generating the S-weights for TSLS estimand, with controls.
tsls(X, Z, Z0, Z1, components, treat, order = NULL)
tsls(X, Z, Z0, Z1, components, treat, order = NULL)
X |
Matrix of covariates, including the treatment indicator. |
Z |
Matrix of instruments. |
Z0 |
Matrix of instruments, fixing treatment to 0. |
Z1 |
Matrix of instruments, fixing treatment to 1. |
components |
Vector of variable names of which user wants the S-weights for. |
treat |
Variable name for the treatment indicator. |
order |
integer, default set to |
A list of two vectors: one is the weight for D = 0, the other is the weight for D = 1.
Auxiliary function that converts a vector of strings into an expression containing variable names.
vector |
Vector of variable names (strings). |
An expression for the list of variable names that are not strings.
ivmte:::unstring(c("a", "b"))
ivmte:::unstring(c("a", "b"))
This function evaluates the splines that the user specifies when declaring the MTRs. This is to be used for auditing, namely when checking the boundedness and monotonicity conditions.
uSplineBasis(x, knots, degree = 0, intercept = TRUE)
uSplineBasis(x, knots, degree = 0, intercept = TRUE)
x |
the points to evaluate the integral of the the splines. |
knots |
the knots of the spline. |
degree |
the degree of the spline; default is set to 0 (constant splines). |
intercept |
boolean, set to TRUE if intercept term is to be
included (i.e. an additional basis such that the sum of the
splines at every point in |
a matrix, the values of the integrated splines. Each row
corresponds to a value of x
; each column corresponds to
a basis defined by the degrees and knots.
## Since the splines are declared as part of the MTR, you will need ## to have parsed out the spline command. Thus, this command will be ## called via eval(parse(text = .)). In the examples below, the ## commands are parsed from the object \code{splineslist} generated ## by \code{\link[MST]{removeSplines}}. The names of the elements in ## the list are the spline commands, and the elements themselves are ## the terms that interact with the splines. ## Declare MTR function m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + uSpline(degree = 3, knots = c(0.2, 0.4), intercept = FALSE) ## Extract spline functions from MTR function splineslist <- removeSplines(m0)$splineslist ## Declare points at which we wish to evaluate the spline functions x <- seq(0, 1, 0.2) ## Evaluate the splines eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(", "ivmte:::uSplineBasis(x = x, ", names(splineslist)[1]))) eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(", "ivmte:::uSplineBasis(x = x, ", names(splineslist)[2])))
## Since the splines are declared as part of the MTR, you will need ## to have parsed out the spline command. Thus, this command will be ## called via eval(parse(text = .)). In the examples below, the ## commands are parsed from the object \code{splineslist} generated ## by \code{\link[MST]{removeSplines}}. The names of the elements in ## the list are the spline commands, and the elements themselves are ## the terms that interact with the splines. ## Declare MTR function m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + uSpline(degree = 3, knots = c(0.2, 0.4), intercept = FALSE) ## Extract spline functions from MTR function splineslist <- removeSplines(m0)$splineslist ## Declare points at which we wish to evaluate the spline functions x <- seq(0, 1, 0.2) ## Evaluate the splines eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(", "ivmte:::uSplineBasis(x = x, ", names(splineslist)[1]))) eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(", "ivmte:::uSplineBasis(x = x, ", names(splineslist)[2])))
This function integrates out splines that the user specifies when declaring the MTRs. This is to be used when generating the gamma moments.
uSplineInt(x, knots, degree = 0, intercept = TRUE)
uSplineInt(x, knots, degree = 0, intercept = TRUE)
x |
the points to evaluate the integral of the the splines. |
knots |
the knots of the spline. |
degree |
the degree of the spline; default is set to 0 (constant splines). |
intercept |
boolean, set to TRUE if intercept term is to be
included (i.e. an additional basis such that the sum of the
splines at every point in |
a matrix, the values of the integrated splines. Each row
corresponds to a value of x
; each column corresponds to
a basis defined by the degrees and knots.
## Since the splines are declared as part of the MTR, you will need ## to have parsed out the spline command. Thus, this command will be ## called via eval(parse(text = .)). In the examples below, the ## commands are parsed from the object \code{splineslist} generated ## by \code{\link[MST]{removeSplines}}. The names of the elements in ## the list are the spline commands, and the elements themselves are ## the terms that interact with the splines. ## Declare MTR function m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + uSpline(degree = 3, knots = c(0.2, 0.4), intercept = FALSE) ## Separate the spline components from the MTR function splineslist <- removeSplines(m0)$splineslist ## Delcare the points at which we wish to evaluate the integrals x <- seq(0, 1, 0.2) ## Evaluate the splines integrals eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(", "ivmte:::uSplineInt(x = x, ", names(splineslist)[1]))) eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(", "ivmte:::uSplineInt(x = x, ", names(splineslist)[2])))
## Since the splines are declared as part of the MTR, you will need ## to have parsed out the spline command. Thus, this command will be ## called via eval(parse(text = .)). In the examples below, the ## commands are parsed from the object \code{splineslist} generated ## by \code{\link[MST]{removeSplines}}. The names of the elements in ## the list are the spline commands, and the elements themselves are ## the terms that interact with the splines. ## Declare MTR function m0 = ~ x1 + x1 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + x1 : x2 : uSpline(degree = 2, knots = c(0.2, 0.4)) + uSpline(degree = 3, knots = c(0.2, 0.4), intercept = FALSE) ## Separate the spline components from the MTR function splineslist <- removeSplines(m0)$splineslist ## Delcare the points at which we wish to evaluate the integrals x <- seq(0, 1, 0.2) ## Evaluate the splines integrals eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(", "ivmte:::uSplineInt(x = x, ", names(splineslist)[1]))) eval(parse(text = gsub("uSpline\\(", "ivmte:::uSplineInt(x = x, ", names(splineslist)[2])))
This auxiliary function extracts the (string) element in the
argument of the vector
vecextract(vector, position, truncation = 0)
vecextract(vector, position, truncation = 0)
vector |
the vector from which we want to extract the elements. |
position |
the position in |
truncation |
the number of characters from the front of the element being extracted that should be dropped. |
A chracter/string.
Function generates the target weight for the ATE.
data |
The bounds of integration over unobservable u
, as
well as the multiplier in the weight.
Function generates the target weight for the ATT.
watt1(data, expd1, propensity)
watt1(data, expd1, propensity)
data |
expd1 |
Scalar, the probability that treatment is received. |
propensity |
Vector of propensity to take up treatment. |
The bounds of integration over unobservable u
, as
well as the multiplier in the weight.
Target weighting function, for the ATT.
wAttSplines(z, d, ed)
wAttSplines(z, d, ed)
z |
vector, the value of the instrument (redundant in this function; included to exploit apply()). |
d |
0 or 1, indicating treatment or control (redundant in this function; included to exploit apply()). |
ed |
scalar, unconditional probability of taking up treatment. |
Function generates the target weight for the ATT.
watu1(data, expd0, propensity)
watu1(data, expd0, propensity)
data |
expd0 |
Scalar, the probability that treatment is not recieved. |
propensity |
Vector of propensity to take up treatment. |
The bounds of integration over unobservable u
, as
well as the multiplier in the weight.
This function generates the weights required to construct splines of higher order. This function was coded in accordance to Carl de Boor's set of notes on splines, "B(asic)-Spline Basics".
weights(x, knots, i, order)
weights(x, knots, i, order)
x |
vector, the values at which to evaluate the basis function. |
knots |
vector, the internal knots. |
i |
integer, the basis component to be evaluated. |
order |
integer, the order of the basis. Do not confuse this with the degree of the splines, i.e. order = degree + 1. |
Function generates the target weight for the generalized LATE, where the user can specify the interval of propensity scores defining the compliers.
wgenlate1(data, ulb, uub)
wgenlate1(data, ulb, uub)
data |
ulb |
Numeric, lower bound of interval. |
uub |
Numeric, upper bound of interval. |
The bounds of integration over unobservable u
, as
well as the multiplier in the weight.
for listsAuxiliary function that makes it possible to use which
a list.
whichforlist(vector, obj)
whichforlist(vector, obj)
vector |
the vector for which we want to check the entries of |
obj |
the value for which we want the vector to match on. |
a vector of positions where the elements in vector
are equal to obj
Function generates the target weight for the LATE, conditioned on a specific value of the covariates.
wlate1(data, from, to, Z, model, X, eval.X)
wlate1(data, from, to, Z, model, X, eval.X)
data |
from |
Vector of baseline values for the instruments. |
to |
Vector of comparison values for the instruments. |
Z |
Character vector of names of instruments. |
model |
A |
X |
Character vector of variable names for the non-excluded variables the user wishes to condition the LATE on. |
eval.X |
Vector of values the user wishes to condition the
The bounds of integration over unobservable u
, as
well as the multiplier in the weight.